I am happy to introduce a new line of ritual kits to be used to empower and nurture your mind, soul, body and spirit!
Moonstar7spirits = #1 TOP TRUSTED SELLER SINCE 2006!
Moonstar7spirits is a coven of 7 highly skilled practicioners. Each with a different gift. We combine the ways of the ancient Alchemists with modern science and tecnology to bring you the best metaphysical items available anywhere!
Stress: It can have a negative impact on our mental and physical well being.
On your body
... On your mood
... On your behavior
Muscle tension or pain
Chest pain
Change in sex drive
Stomach upset
Sleep problems
Lack of motivation or focus
Irritability or anger
Sadness or depression
Overeating or undereating
Angry outbursts
Drug or alcohol abuse
Tobacco use
Social withdrawal
You are considering our Hundred Grass ritual kit!
to be used for:
Calming nerves
Headaches due to stress.
Kit includes:
1 bottle of Hundred Grass herbal ritual oil.
6 indigo incense cones
1 stone talisman with stone cage and chain for wearing.
1 carrying/cleansing pouch for your talisman.
Ritual instructions will be emailed to you!