"The Aldrich Family" as heard on NBC Radio on October 13, 1939 / "Life with Luigi", the first show in the series, broadcast on CBS Radio on September 21, 1948. Enclosed inside the cover is a 3-page color illustrated article from the magazine "Reminisce" titled "Henry! Henry Aldrich" about the program. Also enclosed is a photocopied article by Leonard Sloane from "Radio Yesterday" titled "Nostalgia for Extinct Pop Culture Creates Industry" that focuses on businesses like Radiola that have brought back memories of days gone by. Radiola MR-1015 monoraul 12" LP record album. Condition: Record is NM. Cover is NM in shrinkwrap (swtr). Comments: Radiola Records excelled in high quality recordings of original radio programs. Radiola LPs were not sold in record stores or retail outlets, and were available only by mail order. The company stated that all their LPs contain "one full hour of programming" and "nothing on a Radiola Record has ever appeared on disc before, at the time of release."