Title: Lewiston Journal Magazine (Maine)
Publishing Date: April 19, 1913
Edition: N/A
Pages: 16
Illustrated: Yes
Size: 11.5" x 18.25"
Condition: Complete and intact. Very good condition.
Comments: Articles include: Maine Party Visit the French Poet Mistral / Maine Patriots of the American Revolution / Seeing New York in Your Own Automobile / Auburn Maine young poet Marcella Myrtis Harradon / Maine's College of Agriculture (including the University of Maine Farm, and the Experimental Station) / The Flood of 1874 / The Brownings, Poets and Lovers: Elizabeth Barrett Browning / Annie M. Farnham as Betsy Ross Sewing the American Flag / Heroine of the Revolution: Harriet Emerson Watts of Jonesboro / Worcester China.