Albina has TRIPLE CAST this VINTAGE RING SHE OWNED FOR YEARS with this HIGHLY POTENT Magick that requires a special consecration ritual that can only take place during the Autumnal Equinox that she named "Drops of Starlight". She says that this amazing spell draws in the energies that take place during the "Growing Night" (Autumn Equinox) and directs these energies towards promoting
"illumination, Intimate relations, revelations and POTENT healing"
as these energies "are the most potent in Autumn for sorting through life and "seeing' and celebrating what is important and ridding oneself of that which is not ", the energies of this Equinox help the Bearer attract DEEPER intimate relations, shedding of past "old habits" and outmoded manners (that do not work), empowered stores of energies, illuminated "self image"energies, a renewal of power within and an empowered healing of self/emotions/and past pain". She adds that one will also gain "a DEEP understanding of one self and all the beauty and gifts around one that may have formerly remained 'out of view'!" Finally, with this AMAZING and RARE form of Magick one will also gain " the power of letting go of the paths and investments that have not granted fruits or results in order to prepare one's life for new paths and seedlings that WILL produce successful fruits!"
Albina explains that this spell is "an amazing form of Magick" because "consecrating pieces can only take place once every year and the ritual is a lengthy and very complex one as well!! However, she says that this potent volume of Ancient energies "creates a feeling of empowerment and drive like few other spells, and she adds that this usually takes place in a very rapid pace!" She adds that many of those who practice the Craft consider the Equinox to be THE most potent time of the year to "clear paths and bring closure to past hurt in order to BEST heal!" She advises that one either display or carry this piece for at least three weeks to allow one's energies to align with the Magickal's energies. She also says that due to the potent power of thisRING , one may have to display nearby for a couple days and then store for a day or two as the energies can be "overwhelming" at first when adjusting to such a strong form of Magick! MY most Sincere Blessings and Wishes to Albina for all of her time and amazing generosity!!!!
Albina advises that one wear or carry this piece as often as possible over a period of 2 weeks. She also advises that one wrap this piece in a white cloth or a piece of fine fabric before storing it away. In closing Albina sent her "sincere and Warm" wishes! My Own Warmest wishes and Thanks to Albina for all of her devoted time and energies!