Albina has imbued this CUTE FREE PENDANT with a very powerful spell she calls her "Moon Magick" spell.
This spell is interesting as it changes depending upon the time of the year in which the piece has been imbued with the spell, while also magnifying the power that one can achieve by taking part in actions during this moon's phase. As a result, because this pendant was imbued Last JANUARY, the spell takes on all of the powers of the "Wolf Moon". The Wolf moon is one of Relationships, family, resolutions, matter of the heart & home, new ventures & projects. The Wolf Moon assists in connecting one with others just as "the wolf connects with others in it's pack", by attracting and "charming" those around one which results in greater bonds with family ( or healing bonds), friends, co-workers, etc.. The Wolf Moon also helps on to have the strength and wisdom to resolve past problems and finally "put that which does not assist one in life behind one for good". Albina explains that this particular moon's spell also draws in the energies that promote "assisting the beginnings of new projects and tasks". As a result, she says one can expect to "see new ventures take of successfully and projects flourish with greater ease than what one has previously encountered"!!
This imbued piece, because it is so effected by the power of Wolf Moon it will promote drawing those around the bearer closer by granting one a "charm that is recognized purely with base instincts by those around one". Albina says that this makes it easier to "feel closer to family, and friends as well as "giving one the opportunity to mend fences" with those who one has had difficulty communicating with in the past". She explains that like Wolves, Humans "need each other in order to find the will to move forward". Otheriwse, she says like the wolf, we tend to wither from loneliness" . Therefore, she says the power of this Moon magick, "bestows one of the GREATEST powers, energies that bridges distances whether emotionally or physically, as well as energies that heal, resolve, and promote future growth!". In closing, she said that this is a very POTENT imbued piece that will "bestow very incredibly powerful energies on it's bearer". MY GREAT Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her generous time and efforts!!