Church of Chaos is made up of Father Nookie, Lucida Vale and Victor Axis. Three cyber punks who met in late 1998 while shaving yaks in Omaha. Each being computer turds and lovers of both techno and industrial music, they formed COC on day 6 of their incarceration as friends. Father Nookie is the driving force behind the religious zeal of the band, and their mission to save the souls of wandering pedestrians through Vibe and Groove. He writes most of the music, carving the grooves into stone tablets. Lucida Vale provides the sexual overtones which add sauce to the mix. She is a whore, and satisfies the dangerous urges of Father and Victor, thus making them safe for a society they barely understand. Victor Axis provides a naive cynicism and duplicitous singularity, helping to define the sound that will save your immortal soul. He has an inexplicable European fixation and cannot decide upon an accent. The three of them spout seemingly nonsensical literary statements which melt together to define that which is Church of Chaos. Only through music, can these cretins contribute to the world. Only through groove and vibe can they offer salvation. Only through Church of Chaos are they safe as citizens and even then, we are uncertain.