Blessings weary traveler and welcome to druidshaven! I understand exactly why you have been drawn to reading these words at this moment and you can now relax knowing You are now at the right place at the right time!


This offering is a VERY POTENT and POWERFUL Vessel; A spell ring that has been charged and ritually cast upon to invoke and harness the extraordinary mystical powers and energies of the universe.

Using the energy from my coven we TRIPLE CAST this ring, bathed in the light and energy of the waxing and full moon - a VERY powerful energy to cast in. The spell and spirit we invoke is a long held and powerful spell! 

This ring will bring the user great wealth in all financial areas of life as well as power to keep the riches growing without financial misfortune!  Its energy is focused and strong and it will never fade or fail you! This spell ring is charged with the ultimate strong magnetic energy that SUPER CHARGES your aura to draw wealth and good fortune of all kinds bringing many new financial opportunities and makes sure you’re in the right place at the right time to take full advantage of them!




What do you have to do once you receive the vessel ring?


Just keep the ring with you and you will see and feel the powerful energies around you.

What if I lose my powerfully charged ring?

Will whoever gets my powerfully charged ring get my spell?


When I first cast your vessel I will ask your full name and date of

birth; this spell is cast for



.You have been drawn to this listing for a reason!

Act now !!

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