HI My Name is Maria I am Reiki Master , I am a Minister of the Universal Light,I have 27 years of experience helping people all over the world and in person... You are paying for a complete 31 DAYS sessions under your name of powerful distant Reiki healing , I will contact Archangel Gabriel for giving you peace ,courage, strengh in most difficult moments. I will enhance all your senses, and make you powerful and with a clear mind,I will enhance your psychic abilities and protect you against negative energy , curses, evil eye or psychic attacks. I will purify your mind ,body and soul and put them in the most highest level. I will call all my spirits and angels with a sacrated secret healing sessions. I will enhance your inner strengh and calm your anxiety, If you need in this moment of your life to feel alive again and make the right choices this is the spell ritual for you. If you need to handle better all your desitions and you need a very lucky powerful energy sorround you , this is the spell for you. Archangel Gabriel with the blue harmony powerful ray will make you powerful and sucessfull in all you need and wish. I need your name , date of birth and your picture.
The Archangel Gabriel is the exalted Messenger of God, whose name means "The Strength of God" and whose deeds are recorded in the Jewish scriptures, where the spirit aided the Prophet Daniel in the interpretation of his dream-visions. Although an important Jewish angel, Gabriel has touched the lives of those of different religions as well. In the Christian Bible, it is Gabriel who brings important news to Zachary and the Virgin Mary concerning their children-to-be, and many Christians believe that at the Last Judgement Gabriel will blow a sacred trumpet horn. Furthermore, according to Muslims, Gabriel dictated the Koran to Mohammed over a period of 23 years and also accompanied the Prophet on his Night Journey. Some people believe that Gabriel is a female spirit; others hold that angels have no gender.
The Archangel Michael is the closest to the Lord in the Jewish scriptures, for his very name means "Like Unto God." As the eldest Archangel, he is given captaincy of all of God's natural phenomena, including rain, wind, fire, snow, thunder, lightning, and hail. Michael is believed by many Jews to have appeared to Moses as the fire in the burning bush and to have led Daniel from the lions' den. In the Christian Bible, Michael is said to be the Angel who told the Virgin Mary of her approaching death. According to Muslims, Michael's body is covered with fine hairs and each one, like a tongue, implores the Mercy of Allah on behalf of sinners. As the Archangel of battle and defender of Heaven, Michael is said to be the Patron Saint of policemen. Additionally, because it is said in the Book of Revelations that Michael will lead God's troops against the dragon and his angels at the final battle, many people seek the aid of Michael against wrong-doers on Earth and all people in need of protection from crime or from physical or spiritual enemies may petition the Archangel for help -- and many have reported benefits from keeping an Angel Michael novena candle burning in the home Reiki is universal life-force energy,It is directed by the universal intelligence and know where and what to heal. Reiki is Divine Love, the healing energy guided by Divine intelligence. Reiki never causes harm and always works for the highest good. NOTE: IF YOU NEED MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH ASSISTANT CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR. Reiki can help:
History of Reiki Usui Mikao was born in Japan the 15th of August 1865. During the Meiji period a large number of hand healing techniques were taught in Japan but most of these groups disappeared after World War II. One of the more important groups called Taireidou, was lead by Morihei Tanaka, who was said to have been Usui Sensei's teacher. What exactly Usui Sensei learned from Mr. Tanaka is not known. Mrs. Hawayo Takata brought Reiki to the west. She received her initial Reiki training in Japan, up to level two, Oku-Den, and received her Reiki Master from Mr. Chujiro Hayashi when he visited Hawaii in 1938. In an effort to make Reiki acceptable in the west the practitioners presented Usui Sensei as a physician or a Christian monk, but later information has verified that he was a traditional Japanese businessman, loyal to his Emperor. Usui Reiki Principles — Just for today do not worry The Reiki symbols cannot cause harm or be used with harmful intentions. Many people therefore question the need for secrecy and the symbols are now widely published in books and on the Internet. However Reiki symbols can be only use with love ,honesty,and for experience Masters. The Three Reiki 2 Symbols
![]() CHO KU REI - The Power Symbol or the light switch, Put all the power of universe here. Directs energy to the physical body.
![]() SEI HE KI - The Mental Symbol is used for purification, cleansing and protection.
Directs energy to the emotional body or subconscious mind.
![]() HON SHA ZE SHO NEN - The Distance Symbol is used to send Reiki to the past, present or future. Healing karma. Directs energy to the mental body or conscious mind.
The Three Reiki 3 or Masters Symbols
![]() DAI KO MYO - is used both for attunement and healing and it works on the spiritual body level, healing the soul.
![]() DUMO - is a Tibetan Master Symbol representing the fiery heat of the kundalini.
![]() FIRE SERPENT - is often used when passing attunements.
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