February 1963
Vintage early 1960's issue of the bi-weekly US current affairs magazine.
Filled with all the incidentals and peripheral information, details and events from the era, and with the Look stock-in-trade emphasis on strong photographic imagery throughout...
The 12 pictures above show pages from the actual item. Enjoy!
Items and articles of interest include -
- Advert for Pepsi, for those who 'think young'...
- A bizarre competition to name the Heinz Tomato Man, full page extravaganza, just plain weird.
- Advert for the excitingly named, and equally excitingly portrayed Oldsmobile Jetfire.
- A new Kennedy arrives, Joan Bennett Kennedy, wife - at that point - of Ted. Plenty of pictures 'behind the scenes'...
- CP Snow pays tribute to Winston Churchill and looks back at the war years...
- 'Mental hospitals' are looked at, with some authorities believing some patients are made worse by a grim environment.
Rare coins...do you have one?
- 1963 Dodge Wagon, full page advert.
- Edith Head entertains, 'the elegant Californian way'...
- How Japan deals with an expanding population.
- Carol Breckenridge, 'fresh new face in the world of fashion' stars in an advert for Royal Crown Cola
- Grace Bumbry feature
- GI's in WW2...a lengthy sequence of random thoughts on all aspects of time spent in Europe, in battle.
- Susannah York parades around Chelsea and the locals are suitably impressed..
- Movie review - To Kill a Mockingbird
- Buick LeSabre, full page advert.
- Women's section - hair conditioning, nut news, hardboard decorative panels and well-dressed messenger boys...
- US Savings Bonds entice you to invest by warning you that Mao Tse Tung may well be after your $$$'s...and your children...see picture 10
- Fashion and Architecture combine...Dior, Sarnoff, Ilie-Wacs, Zelinka-Matlick and Briarbrook all on display.
- Sid Caesar, baseball tutorial.
- Joke of the Week without a doubt...see picture 12.
- 102 pages
- 260mm x 330mm format, approx....14" x 11" more or less.
- A good reading and reference copy.
- There are obvious signs of wear to the paper covers - as you would expect from a larger format 50 year old magazine...the first 3 pages have some small torn, or ripped, sections, and there is a clear tape repair to the cover.
- No pages are missing, and the staples are still intact, all held in place nicely.
- Binding intact, some creases at various points throughout, small bumps and scuffs to page edges and covers, with some more dramatic damage to the cover, as noted above.
- No rusting to staples, just the usual signs of light reading and storage wear.
- Yellowing to the pages.
- No pen or ink marks or notations.
- Picture is that of the actual item.
Interesting item, one for the collectors and enthusiasts...12 pictures uploaded showing the variety of the features, all absolutely anchored in the early '60's and all absolutely authentic...
Buy-it-Now, $13.99
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