I have been getting an extraordinary amount of requests from people asking me if Madam Elizabeth Crawley would give them a Blessing, or cast a certain spell for them. She does readings on (Professor Richmond) my father's paranormal collection, and often gifts the winners of our auctions with items she has cast with spells and blessings. People have written to me absolutely thrilled with these items!

For those of you unfamiliar with Madam Elizabeth--she is considered among ancient circles (especially in Europe) as the utmost authority on all things paranormal. She is also a profound and ultra-talented Spell Caster. Madam Elizabeth can cast spells for almost anything, and has helped me out on numerous occasions. We have decided due to the great demand that we will begin auctioning items that she has either performed an ancient blessing upon, or cast with special spells from the Van Doreen Book of Spells.

I have personally been privileged enough to witness her casting a spell--the love, care and concentration she puts into it is completely inspiring. Madam Elizabeth is a Master at Lunar Phasing, Tarot, Herbs and all types of spell formation. The Boxes and roses she has cast with spells for our customers have received the most wonderful and sincere praise.

Madam Elizabeth lives in England, so the pieces she sends me will be mostly jewelry. Some will be new, and some will be older. All will be charged with superior quality Magick Spells to help you along your way. For safety she only uses Pure White Magick which also has a knack for blending with your own body vibrations, and making you feel simply wonderful all over. Madam Crawley does not want to charge a lot for these pieces, as she wishes to share her Magick with the ordinary folk who need it the most.

Good Luck and Many Blessings!




Does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active


Wow! Beautiful Purple & White Agate set in Sterling Silver.  Size 8. So STUNNING. Just like the image you will see smiling back at you in the mirror. This Vessel is rearing to go. There's a very special certain Chosen One that it is looking for. If you're timing is right and you're reading these words right now... IT COULD BE YOU! So powerful it puts the hairs up on my arms. This is such a clever and important spell combination. I have had this one in my home for several weeks and it has made me feel VERY SPECIAL & POWERFUL. I look in the mirror and I see a confident, beautiful, smart woman. And apparently that's what everyone else is seeing too! Naturally it works just as well for the opposite sex.
I have been waiting patiently for the release of more Vessels from this very special lady who now resides on the other-side of the Veil. Finally they are here. This Vessel was once the possession of Audra-Rose Nuri, a Romanian Gypsy Queen, who was a MOST powerful Spell caster and Sorceress. She and Madam Crawley met many years ago, and they became true and firm friends. Madam Crawley gave Audra-Rose some natural stones/shells etc. to cast spells upon which were later made into Vessels by the Coven jeweler. Audra-Rose was not a formally trained Witch, but her family for generation upon generation were gifted with natural abilities. The kind of abilities many other witches only dream of but can never attain. Madam Crawley like's to describe her abilities this way: Some people go to art college and they study and they train and they learn technique and art history. They learn how to manipulate colors and they practice constantly. But then there's the other kind of artist. The one who simply picks up the paint brush and without any training, CHANNELS the most moving and awe-inspiring paintings. Breathtaking art that touches people so deeply people are moved to tears of wonder. This kind of talent comes from the other-side it can never be learned by our "human brains." This talent is a gift from God & Goddess, and not very many people own this gift. Audra-Rose with her innate God-Given Talent cast upon this stone 3 Spells WEALTH & PROSPERITY (We are talking HUGE wealth, these stones have been owned by some lucky persons who are now untouchable in the wealth department!!!) EARTH POWER & SOUL POWER (Power over all things material, and power to command Entities and use ESP abilities to the UTMOST) HAPPINESS & LOVE (Money and power is nothing without a happy, content and peaceful heart. This kind of content, satisfied and joy-filled heart will be YOURS!!!) Audra-Rose now resides on the other side of the Veil. She is a beautiful white spirit that will watch over you and keep you and your family safe and protected.  have been cast on previously spellbound pieces.
ALSO CAST UPON THIS PIECE BY Madam Crawley herself is her phenomenal Spell


The reason this Double Casting of spells is a common occurrence with our vessels is because the vessel is already proven to be a superior container for Magick, and in every case has a huge prior history of success. It is better to cast important spells on an already proven, tried and tested piece. Plus, you receive the added benefit of additional Magick at no expense to you!

It's ok to have money dropped on your doorstep, and this vessel will simulate that perfectly, but there's such an inner satisfaction with knowing that YOU ARE SPECIAL, and the reason you are wealthy is because YOU'RE SMART! I really recommend this spell so highly. I think it is about the most perfect combination. We are all creatures of EGO, even though it is one of our life missions to over come this natural trait and to be come more "spiritual" but the truth of the matter is, there is also enjoyment in matters of the EGO, and until those have been satisfied, there is no point moving forward, you simply can't. In other words you can't run before you walk. This spell gets you to the other side of ego in a thrilling and enjoyable way. Very complex spell that appears simple in its attitude of BE GORGEOUS SMART AND WEALTHY. It is in fact a Spiritual tool that is moving you forward on your trek to enlightenment!!! Good Luck. This is A VERY SPECIAL PIECE! Many Blessings. Anna.


(A winning combination from the beginning of time, for both men and women)

Wow, I can't believe that Madam Crawley has just pulled THIS out of her sleeve! What A Magnificent Spell! I had asked her once about a spell like this, and she had hinted that one might be on the way, but WOW! It's finally arrived.
THE WINNING COMBINATION. BEAUTY AND BRAINS. Feeling young and vital, healthy and lovely is great! Having smooth wrinkle free skin, and tight muscles is amazing. This spell will get you in shape and looking your very best ever! It will also create an aura about you that will magnetize people. Folks of both sexes will be drawn to you, so you will never have to worry about not having friends, or lovers, or secret admirers. That is GOING TO BE A PART OF YOUR EVERY DAY LIFE! So you will have all this beauty (if you're a guy, handsomeness
) and you will feel so incredibly youthful and shining inside, like a teenager. Yet of course you retain all the wisdom you've accumulated through the years! That in itself is a great combo.. BUT, there's more. Wisdom picked up through year of making mistakes is all very well and good, but how about some TRUE BRAINS! Some REAL INTELLECT? Wouldn't that be nice? Well, that's the other half of this spell set. BRAINS! You've got the beauty, and now you've got the brains. There's no stopping you now.
This spell is going to make your life ONE MILLION TIMES BETTER! And talking about high figures, let's get back to my favorite topic MONEY. Along with your beauty and brains will come huge wealth. This will be the natural "fall-out" of these two properties together. You will have all the money your heart desires. And it's going to come in fun and exciting ways. This Spell set is about LIVING, ENJOYING, and having the best life that anyone could possibly imagine. You may have wasted a lot of years, and your looks might not be up to scratch. This spell will solve that, and it will provide you with the intelligence to "know" what moves to make. You will have everyone hanging on your every word.... this spell is SPECTACULAR. I've already put a request in for one, and I'll be on pins and needles till I get it! And remember, this spell is holistic and intuitive. You don't need to be a witch to use this, the magick has been cast and is ready to operate instinctively. All you need to do is own the piece, and to have desires for a better and more fulfilling life. The rest will happen automatically.


You now have the option of Madam Crawley CUSTOM ALIGNING the Vessel to "fit you like a glove!" She will fully tune and align the spell to match your exact vibrations and aura. This Vessel is of the highest caliber imaginable, and this extra little touch will send its Magick into Turbo-Charged! A TOTAL FINE TUNING OF ENERGIES! The result will be FASTER Magick! This is completely exciting to me, and the first thing I did when I heard about this was send a whole SLEW of my own Magickals to her for Personalized Energy Alignment! This type of Personal Energy Alignment would cost a small fortune elsewhere.
The Alignment is only $29.99. Basically a Give Away Price! Please note, Madam Crawley is very diligent and conscientious in her spell casting. She is offering this service as a "REMOTE" option which means it won't hold up the delivery of your item. Plus, you can also choose to have it done later, or on previously purchased items.
Link will open in a new window so you won't loose you page ;)

Good Luck and Blessings
Madam Crawley.

 Spells cast from the Van Doren Book of Spells.








FREE USA SHIPPING.  Recently International shipping cost doubled from $6.55 to $12.50 so we will now be splitting the cost with our International customers with a $6.55 International shipping fee. All Combined items will be FREE. 
Items will be shipped first class mail. I will do my best to get your item out within 48 hours of payment. Holidays and special occasions may cause a delay. Having said that, I often post the same day as payment.


One of the pictures we took during my recent visit with Madam Crawley in England.

Please check my other auctions to learn all about who and what is going on here! My father who recently passed away was a treasure hunter, and Madam Elizabeth Crawley being a world class Medium has been asked to do readings on the pieces in my father's collection. Not only is she a medium but also the High Preistess at a very renowned Coven is Sussex, England. I've simply fallen in love with her. I've never met a more enlightened, generous and powerful lady in my whole life. She is 97 years old, but treats life with so much joy and passion... She has truly taught me to see every day as a special miracle.

As for me--I take very much pride in what I am doing, and I consider myself blessed to be acquainted with such important figures in the Wiccan community. I package all the items carefully and treat my customers with total respect. This is a very serious venture to me--I KNOW Magic is real as it has played an enormous role in my life. I wish to share with the world the bounty of Magick that is available to those who seek it.

My name is Anna. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Read a few of our AMAZING feedbacks!
Most of our clientele are repeat customers.


Please let me know if you have any problems before leaving negative or neutral feedback as I'm sure we can work out anything that might come up. I will leave feedback as soon as it's left for me. I appreciate all the wonderful and appreciative emails I've received since selling these items on eBay. Thank you and Blessings!