King Black Dragon ~ Haunted Devoted Leader – Tibetan Silver Dragon Design Ring 9
This listing is for the ring which serves as the vessel for a charismatic, ultra-powerful male Black Dragon. Black Dragons are the most powerful of all Dragons – considered “The King” of Dragons. He will share many of his abilities with his keeper, making many things much easier for his keeper and bringing new found wisdom and understanding of the world around them. He is approximately 85,000 years old and has the leadership skills, power, abilities and regal titles that draws him legions of followers who only strengthen his talents which will further benefit his next keeper. His natural leadership skills allow him to provide his keeper with great insight and foresight, and coupled with his tremendous wisdom he is able to guide his keeper through the maze of life – even during the darkest and most confusing times. Often Black Dragons are seen as dark in nature, exuding dark energy but that is not the case with him. He is grey (neutral) and always seeks amicable, positive solutions and will take the high road if it is an option and always suggests the same of his keeper.
He is definitely not a pushover, however, and will not tolerate wrong doing toward his keeper or anyone who attempts to cause them harm or put them in any danger. He works hand in hand with his keeper and fully respects their wishes and will abide by any rules he is given by them. His desire for peace and positive resolution will a feeling of confidence, being in control, and overall positivity. He is fiercely protective of his keeper and their loved ones, and stop at nothing to do so. His energy is huge but very calming and gives a feeling of great security. This energy may be felt by reading this description or viewing the photos of his vessel. He will, in a very short time, become incredibly in-tuned with his keeper and will understand their needs and wants, their abilities and the areas where they will need the most assistance, and therefore, where he will be of most benefit.
Some of his most powerful abilities include: Protection ~ Guide ~ Wisdom ~ Leadership ~ Prosperity ~ Insight ~ Foresight ~ Magick ~ Psychic Enhancement ~ More
The vessel is a unique, unisex ring with Asian dragon design in Tibetan silver and is size 9.
Many Blessings! Thank you for looking!