3 card  Angel Message What they need you to know! you may ask about a specific area with this. like what do you need to know about your love life or finances!


I have been an angel communicator and worked with the angels for years now. I am happy to now have this service available for my buyers only!


I am Clairsentient, ordained reverend, and healer. I was born with the ability to hear and this makes all the difference.. My mission is to help raise your vibrations and give more clarity in times of need.



I am offering one Angel message for what your angels want  you to know, but you may not be hearing.   

This is for a message only.


 Get the guidance that you deserve

 Get that extra guidance  for your day because some days are just harder than others! 


 Email that with name and birthdate to get your guidance from the angels after payment to my email.

Once you send me your details, I will consult the angels to send me the messages and I will send them on to you.  

I have used this method for  many years and they never fail to bring messages of love and encouragement to those who seek answers from their Angels. 


via email