
LADY JEAN-MARIE MARLOW is housed in this beautiful AND VERY UNUSUAL RING. RED & BEIGE Mosaic jasper. Set in Sterling Silver. SIZE 10.5. Tried, tested and proven to be 100% Effective. Doesn't need to be worn to experience the Magick.
This estimated worth amongst Vampire Collectors is:
That's why I am here... so that these vessels do not get hoarded by the already privileged and wealthy
As many of you know I recently returned from England and a visit with Madam Crawley. While I was there I was able to witness some incredible and phenomenal occurrences. I was invited to a Coven meeting and although I was not allowed to sit in on the entirety of the ceremony, I was introduced to some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my whole life!!! I am a changed person!! I understand much more about the Coming of the New Age, and the various aspects and steps involved. I am so overwhelmed by my Magickal experiences that I hardly know where to begin! Over the coming weeks I will be introducing these items and concepts. As Madam Crawley expressed—“The time is approaching, and we are ready to take the next step.” I get chills just thinking about it.
The Vampire is an ENERGY that we all possess to some extent. We all have met or at least heard of those individuals who draw to themselves wealth, success, admirers, and opportunities of all types. Unless they are using other forms of Magick, these people generally have a naturally higher concentration of Vampyric energy. So, as you see, we all have Vampyric possibilities. However, there is also the TRUE VAMPIRE, who is not human at all, and is derived COMPLETELY from the Vampyric Energy we just discussed. A SPIRIT OF EXTREME POWER. These Entities can manifest themselves as Humans, Birds, Wolves, Bats, and even Elemental Forces such as Wind, Rain, Hail, and Fog. In fact Vampires are the most incredible Shape-Shifters ever known. They are ALWAYS charismatic and seductive. They have a tremendously rich history, and can manifest in human shape for many lifetimes consequtively--thus the legend of the Imortal Vampire.They are an embodiment of Magnetism, Star Quality, Passion, Desire, and all hypnotic, heady, hypnotizing forces that we are willingly drawn to like moths 'round a flame. THAT my friend is Vampyric Energy.

Imagine this: It's a hot sultry night, you're laying in bed almost asleep when suddenly you find yourself alert, wide awake, your body on fire, tingling with some inexplicable energy. All at once your senses are magnified,electric. You feel exhilarated and somehow extra "alive." Every second is suddenly a life-time. You sniff at the air, and with cat-like ability you are enveloped in the heady sweet aroma of Jasmine. Not so strange... except the Jasmine grows wild and free--clear on the other side of your street! Delectable, heady, you feast with your new senses. Now you rise from your bed, naked, unembarrassed, released from guilt, unencumbered by petty human limitations. Doing nothing but standing there, you feel inexplicably excited, adrenalin surging through your body in a manner you haven't experienced since the prime of your youth. At this very moment you realize you are unstoppable, you are afraid of NOTHING. Cunning and in Control. For once a Predator rather than Prey. You could seduce, you could convince, you could control any out-come. Not merely "influence," but CONTROL. Then as quickly as it came, the feeling subsides and you suddenly feel chilled and embarrassed standing there with your extra 10 pounds of fat. Quickly... you better get back into bed. You lie there for a moment trying to somehow recapture that magnificent feeling, but to no avail. It's Gone! You yawn, plump your pillow and lie there thinking about the drudgery that tomorrow will bring. The mountain of bills , the stupid job, the ignorant boss, the loveless partner, Blah, blah.. blah... blah...
What happened? What was it that could change your basic nature so suddenly and in such a seductive and pleasurable way? And then why did it go? In this instance a TRUE VAMPIRE just walked/passed by your house and the stray energies being emitted from this Entity effected you in this desirable way. This phenomena is known as Vampyric Osmosis. These are all common reactions to being in close proximity to a TRUE VAMPIRE. And then after this fortuitous visit was over, the energy quickly dissipated.

Friends, let me ask you this question. WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT VAMPIRE ENERGY? I PRESENT TO YOU NOW THE OPPORTUNITY TO FEEL THIS WAY AT WILL. TO OWN THIS ENERGY OF PLEASURE AND POWER. As soon as I acquired these vessels I secured one for myself, and my life has changed so very completely. I only regret that I didn't find these sooner. They came from my Father's safe, and I tell myself that the timing must be right. Still, I am only human and I can't help thinking of all the excitement and success I could have already had, had I acquired this Entity sooner! And it's not even that, as much as it is the "FEELINGS" I now experience. I already have plenty of money and success, but even so, nothing compares to this FEELING, THIS POWER. I have always been prone to "living in my head" and not engaging in life as much as some do. Now that's all over. I live every moment to the fullest, and let me tell you what else--it's like a cat and mouse game, and for once I'M THE CAT. I feel no more guilt or anxiety. I'm still a good person, but I'm freed from the bonds of self doubt and worry. I SEE, I DO, I MOVE ON. I SUCCEED.

It was on my last visit to Europe that I acquired the Vessels. The most Powerful Vampires known to mankind. There aren't many of these Entities, and please beware of lesser Vampires that may be offered by some other sellers. I don't usually look at other sellers listings, but I checked it out, and some of these are NOT TRUE VAMPIRE ENTITIES
This auction is for an actual Vampire, not a Vampire Spell. Meaning this is a REAL and GENUINE VAMPIRE ENTITY that will belong to YOU and YOU alone. It is not a Vampire-"Like" Entity, a Half-Breed Vampire, or a Vampire-Charm that simulates some of the properties that a Vampire creates naturally. YOU WILL BE RECEIVING AN ACTUAL GENUINE VAMPIRE ALONG WITH ALL ITS EXCITING SUPER-NATURAL POWERS
The ways you will benefit are innumerable but they are broken into two facets.
1. What your Vampire will do for you as a Wish-Granting type entity.
2. What your Vampire will "gift" to your own psyche and library of powers.
1. Your VAMPIRE ENTITY will act as a very powerful Guardian. He/She will protect you and anyone you love and care about with ruthless and unstoppable zeal. A Vampire does not really see things as good and bad, wrong and right in the way that we have been taught to. A Vampire uses its impeccable and supernatural instincts to judge each situation on its own merit. This is the RIGHT WAY TO DO THINGS. Your Vampire will also bring you great wealth within a short period of time. A Vampire thrives on SUCCESS, which is the natural yet BOOM BUG (Beaten-Out-Of-Man-By-Using-Guilt) way for humans to feel! So the first thing your Vampire will do is get you out of the humdrum 9-5 life-style and place you in a more appropriate position. At the HEAD OF THE TABLE instead of underneath it trying to catch crumbs like a whimpering mutt.
Your Vampire will also analyze you and your body and see if there is anything that needs immediate attention. If there is, it will be fixed. I'd like to interject my own experience here. Shortly after I acquired my own Vampire I was miraculously cured of a long term "female" problem that no doctors could come close to resolving. Spells would work in the short term, but the condition would return within a few days. I guessed it must have been something I was doing, some unknown habit or sensitivity to something that was causing the affliction. I'm not sure what my Vampire did to make it go away, but it's been gone for a month now. It's really GONE!!! Hip hip horray.
2. This is the most important part because HOW YOU FEEL and what you will be capable of DOING is going to be the biggest gift of all.
*Extreme Heightened Senses. You will find that--at will-- you can turn your senses on to Super-Turbo mode.
This is more delightful, exhilarating, exciting and beneficial than I can even begin to explain!!! This includes improved vision, hearing, health, life-energy, chi, sense of well being, euphoria, sexual pleasure, and countless other benefits.
*Power Over Others. You'll just have that THING! Call it Magnetism, Star Quality Super-Charisma, call it what you want, but YOU'LL HAVE IT IN BUCKETS FULL! What ever you want you can have it! Become one of the Privileged. Let your imagination loose. This life is a game. Get ready to be a WINNER. You will be one of the Elite. People will respect, admire, love, cherish and look up to you. They will gladly do your bidding!
*Shape-shifting and other ESP Powers. All of these Supernatural powers will manifest in you. It's as though your channels have been cleared and all that vital energy that is available is sucked into you like water into a sponge.You'll be a walking DYNAMO. This is a very exciting aspect of owning a Vampire. I have even begun to be able to levitate! And last night while I was meditating (I use candle meditation) I easily moved the flame with my mind!
I could go on and on, but what I really want to do is get this Vampire listed so that YOU CAN EXPERIENCE ALL THIS FOR YOURSELF.
Please note: I myself have wondered about possibly owning more than one Vampire. I've found out that these Vampire live together harmoniously and exhilarate and excite each others energies, so I suggest that you build your family of Vampires, and exponentially increase your powers in all areas. I've said it before and I'll say it again--Life is for Living, so don't keep wasting time. Get on with it! Enjoy yourself! DEMAND your God Given Right for Power, Success and Happiness! Or as Madam Crawley likes to say--Be Healthy, Wealthy, Happy and Wise!
I am so very proud to present to you this stunning and charismatic BEAUTY LADY JEAN-MARIE MARLOW. She is the epitome of sexuality and prowess. She is 414 years young, but her physical age is EARLY 20s. She has shoulder length chestnut brown hair and a tanned complexion. Full lips, sensual slender body, and a dark lustful gaze. We all have animal instincts, but this Vampire is so tuned and honed, that you will soon be witnessing a whole new side of life. A side of life that is full of success and achievements and adventures of both mind and body. Lady Marlow is a creature of pure exotic lust and heady feelings that most people keep dormant for their entire lives. Just being around her myself has been the most exciting and exhilarating experience imaginable. She has an erotic scent of jasmine and orange blossom that sends a thrill of adrenalin throughout your whole body. She is dynamic and exciting. I can honestly say that even though she is a female, I would love to have her as a life long companion. She makes me feel totally alive. The one interesting thing about Vampires is... even though they are extremely full of vitality and life, they are of Spirit, and thus, they do not take preference over male or female. She would be equally as happy
with a lady as with a man. On the physical side of things, she will be more than willing to enter your bedroom at night and show you a complete and utter fulfillment of the flesh and mind as you have never experienced before. You will never be the same when Bella enters your world and turns it from gray to lushes colors of the rainbow, you will be seeing stars in your ecstasy. She will whisper to you on rose colored lips of the pleasure you will feel, and then, on wings of magic the feeling will flow across your body, filling your soul with such unimaginable delight. Lady Marlow will gift you with wealth and riches. She is used to the high life of the wealthy and privileged, so you must be endowed with these essential basics. This she will see to. She will also gift you with powers of the mind. You will be as a Vampire yourself. You will be able to travel at night unseen, with LADY JEAN-MARIE MARLOW on your arm. The two of you will indulge in exotic adventures and travel to other dimensions where sexual pleasure is not repressed as it is here.
Lady Marlow will come to you at night and fill your dreams with visions so lustful and wonderful that you will not be able to wait for her next visit. Your life will never be the same. Seduce and be seduced. No longer will you be subject to the indignation of ordinary mortals. You will join the ranks of the privileged. Power will animate from your very being and you will have ALL THAT YOU DESIRE. Allow LADY JEAN-MARIE MARLOW to teach you, caress you, and guide you to unimaginable places of love, passion and happiness. Fulfillment awaits you. Let your instincts take control and let the real fun begin!
Dr. John Dee was the most renowned Magician of his day. This was a REAL MAN with a history that can easily be researched. Dr John Dee was a brilliant mathematician, counsel to Queen Elizabeth I, and Summoner of Celestial Beings; including Seraphim, Devas, Ophanim Khodam, Eudaemons and other Supernatural Spirits such as Vampires and Djinn. Later in Dr. John Dee's life he began a secret quest--one which would not be brought into fruition until now! Dr. John Dee, with help from The Angelic Realm, summoned the commitment of several of these incredibly powerful deities. The purpose of this commitment was to help certain people in the future. Many years later, Biddy Early's only descendant (and owner of the Blue Bottle) powerful witch Irel Flannery was bestowed the task of preparing vessels for the housing of these Deities. The time has arrived that these Deities must be shared, must be allowed to prosper those whom deserve.
This is an EXTREMELY EXCITING TIME. I URGE YOU TO TAKE PART IN THIS SPECIAL MOMENT WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE. The winners of these incredible pieces will be blessed with untold gifts of life, love, wealth, friendship, power, success and most important of all...happiness. For it was God's intention that we all share the fruits and abundance of this incredible world. Yet too few own too much, and the power and wealth has been taken and hoarded by these greedy few. It is our honest and true belief that the Celestial Beings are here in order to even the playing field.
A short excerpt on Dr. John Dee. Much more information is available by searching his name.
John Dee (July 13, 1527–1608 or 1609) was a noted English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, occultist, and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I. He also devoted much of his life to alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.
Dee straddled the worlds of science and magic just as they were becoming distinguishable. One of the most learned men of his time, he had lectured to crowded halls at the University of Paris when still in his early twenties. John was an ardent promoter of mathematics, a respected astronomer and a leading expert in navigation, having trained many of those who would conduct England's voyages of discovery (he coined the term "British Empire").
At the same time, he immersed himself deeply in magic and Hermetic philosophy, devoting the last third of his life almost exclusively to these pursuits. For Dee, as with many of his contemporaries, these activities were not contradictory, but particular aspects of a consistent world-view.

About Dr. John Dee Outline: 1. Visionary of the British Empire; coined the word Brittannia and developed a plan for the British Navy.
2. The first to apply Euclidean geometry to navigation; built the instruments to apply Euclid; trained the first great navigators; developed the maps; charted the Northeast and Northwest Passages.
3. An angel conjuror with his sidekick Kelley; the angels told him what Britain would have in their eventual empire; used an obsidian show stone which came from the Aztecs/Mayans and rests in the British Museum along with his conjuring table which contains the Enochian Alphabet he used as angel language.
4. Philosopher to Queen Elizabeth; did her horoscope; determined her coronation date astrologically; she came to visit him on her horse.
5. Founder of the Rosicrucian Order, the protestant response to the Jesuits.
6. An alchemist; hermeticist, cabalist, adept in esoteric and occcult lore.
7. Translator of Euclid and wrote the famous Mathematical Preface, mapping mathematical studies for the future, a kind of system of the sciences based on math.
8. Put a hex on the Spanish Armada which is why there was bad weather and England won.
9. Commissioned by Elizabeth to establish the legal foundation for colonizing North America; went back to Madoc, a Welsh Prince who took a group over to New England in the middle ages and established the first colony, and intermarried with the Indians, but with little or no historical trace but for the legend.
10. Instrumental in theatre arts and architecture.
11. Shakespeare depicted him as Prospero, and King Lear.
12. Sold the Voynich Manuscript, the most mysterious, a cipher as yet to be deciphered--"the Everest of cipher studies"--to the Holy Roman Emperor--Rudolph II--for a lot of gold. Resides at Yale in the Beineke Library. Probably an herbal and an almanac by Anthony Askham.
13. Had the greatest library in England over 4,000 books.
14. Biography by Peter French and everything by Francis Yates, his greatest advocate: cf. especially THE ROSICRUCIAN ENLIGHTENMENT.

FREE SHIPPING IN THE USA. Recently International shipping cost doubled from $6.55 to $12.50 so we will now be splitting the cost with our International customers with a $6.55 International shipping fee. Combined items will be FREE.
A GREAT SECRET HAS BEEN REVEALED. PLEASE READ ON TO UNDERSTAND THE MAGNITUDE OF THIS REVELATION. Recently passed to the other side of the veil: the GREAT Irish DRUIDESS ("Ban-Draoi") known as Irél Flannery. Evidently my father took hold of all her worldly possessions only to discover the legendary "Blue Bottle." Irél Flannery was the only know descendant of the famous BIDDY EARLY who used the "Blue Bottle" TO CAST NUMEROUS DOCUMENTED MIRACLES.
Along with the "Blue Bottle" we found a selection of AMAZING pieces all cast with the DEEPEST, STRONGEST MOST INCREDIBLE MAGICK IMAGINABLE!!!! Irél Flannery used the "Blue Bottle" to cast these pieces with OTHERWORLDLY SPELLS. The kind of Magick that has been long forgotten in the realm of today's witches.
Please read about Biddy Early and the "Blue Bottle" below. Or at very least google her to see the history of this most Powerful and Reputable Witch.
The Magical Lady of Clare

Illustration from
"Biddy Early; the Wise Woman of Clare"
by Meda Ryan,
Mercier Press, 1978
Born in 1798 in Faha, Kilanena, Biddy O?Connor was the daughter of a poor farming family. At sixteen, she was sent to Feakle to work as a servant girl and later to Kilbarron to work for a doctor Dunne. It was necessary for Biddy to go in to service at such a young age so as to help her family survive in such hard times.
It was in Kilbarron that she married one Pat O?Malley, and the couple had one child, a daughter. Pat was to die however after a few short years of marriage. Her second husband was a Tom Flannery from Carrowroe, who sadly died when their only child Tom was only eight years old. It was about the time of this husband?s death that the first story of Biddy?s magical powers occurs. Biddy being unable to pay the rent to the local landlord because of her husbands? death and the expense of rearing her young son, was served with an eviction notice. The night before the eviction was to take place her dead husband Tom visited her and told her that when the police arrived the following day to tell them to : ?Stay where you are?, and they would leave and return no more. Thus the following day when they arrived, Biddy said the words her husband had told her to say and the five policemen and sheriff were stuck to the roadside for two hours being unable to move. After two hours Biddy told them to go away and never return, and the lock which Biddy had put on them was broken and they ran off with their tails between their legs never to bother this lady and her magical powers ever again.
Of all the tales of Biddy?s magical powers none were so fascinating as her ?Blue Bottle? with which it was said she could see the future as well as gain access to magical powers from beyond. Her son Tom died as a young man, but being worried about how his poor widowed mother would survive now that he was dead, Tom returned from the dead, to give her this magical ?Blue Bottle?. He told her: ?Take this mother and it will make a living for you?, and this bottle did indeed make her a living. People from all over the country were to seek Biddy?s predictions for the future which were said to be amazingly accurate down to the last detail. She cast spells and charmed objects for people and was never poor again. It was also said that if a weary traveler was coming many miles to meet Biddy, she would see him coming in the bottle and meet him half way.
Biddy was visited also, for her great healing potions which it was said healed most ailments. Biddy had a well at the side of her house, the water from which possessed the most magical powers, and if given with her consent could cure a person of any affliction. Animals were of enormous importance, the death of a cow or pig could mean failure to pay rent and the death of a working horse could mean destitution. In this time of no vets, Biddy was relied upon to cure the most serious of animal ailments of which it was said she could cure very effectively with a drop of water from her well, one of her potions, or her miraculous Blue Bottle. Biddy, not being a selfish woman, did not make a great fortune from her powers, she only accepted a jug of poiteen or whiskey, or perhaps some food for her services, but she was well cherished and looked after by all those around her. It was said that never was a tired traveler turned from her door and many a passer-by was given a jug and a seat in front of her warm fire.
Another great power which Biddy is accredited with her ability to talk to and cure the wrath of the Fairies. People used to come to her who had been bewitched by the ?little people?. One man had his entire herd of cattle cursed by the fairies and they all became violently ill. On the advice of one of his friends he went to see Biddy. After looking in to her bottle, she saw the problem. He had planted a whitethorn bush along a fairy path in his field. She instructed him to go home and remove the bush. As soon as he had done this, his entire herd immediately returned to full health.
It is said by some that Biddy had six husbands, of this we can not be sure, but we know she had at least three, the last being a man less than half her age. A man called O?Brien from Limerick visited her who was close to death and asked her to cure him. She said she would only if he married her to which he agreed, and after he recovered the couple were married. She died in April 1874. Her magical bottle was never seen after her death and it has been said that she only had a loan of the bottle from the fairies who took it back on her death.
I sing of Biddy Early, the wise woman of Clare
Many's the man who admires her carrot-colored hair
And many those that come to her on horse back or by cart
For she can heal a broken leg or a broken heart She keeps a Magick Bottle in whose majestic eye
a tiny coffin twinkles and if it sinks you die
It rises you grow better and slip out of the pain
"It's time for bed," the Tinker said, "but pass the cup again."

Can you almost taste what it would be like to live the life-style of the extremely wealthy?
Can you almost feel what it would be like to live a life of super success and to always have luck on your side?
Can you visualize what it would be like to posses super-normal powers beyond the scope of the average Everyday Joe?
Does part of you think it's not possible, while another part screams--Yes, I do believe there's more. I want it, and I know it's meant for me!

I am here to tell you my friend that you are a Seeker, you are here on this page now because of Magick and that is why you are reading these words. It is no accident that you have come across this page and that we are communicating now... today...at this moment in time. You are seeking Magick. The Hilton family, Trump, Gates, and many, many others know something that you are just starting to see. Magick is the answer. The time of Magickal prophecies is fast approaching, and the fact that you are here NOW, is no coincidence. You have been given a very special opportunity. You! Yes You sitting there looking into your computer screen. You have been guided to this moment in time. You are about to become part of the most Magickal and Privileged group of people on this planet. If these words mean nothing to you, then you are not a true Seeker, and you may leave now. Possibly in the future you will be ready. But if you choose to stay, then Your time has come. Congratulations. Watch Professor Richmond's Auctions closely, because your piece will be here. When you see it, it will call to you, and you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you and IT are destined to unite and that your dreams are ready to come true.
Let me tell you a little about myself and my father,
the great Professor Richmond:
My father was born English, and my mother is half Native American. My brother Michael and myself were raised mostly in California, although we spent some childhood years traveling England, Egypt and the Far East with my father, whom you will soon learn all about!
Other than these few trips, which were very low key and purely research expeditions, he was mostly absent in our lives. When I was seven my father and mother divorced. He would send us cards at Christmas and on our birthdays, but they would always be postmarked from some foreign and obscure country. Later we were allowed to understand why this separation was necessary. Professor Richmond was a man dealing with forces so powerful and dangerous, that he could not dare involve us.

My first sight of Real Powerful Magick was when he sent home a ring for my mother. I instinctively knew it was different from the others she wore. It was very old, and it would shine at strange times even when the lights were off. After the arrival of the ring, Mom always seemed to have money to spare, and Grandma who had been getting very senile and shaky, suddenly seemed to be much better. She looked and seemed younger and was now able to care for us again when Mom went out. I remember thinking, wow, Grandma can read us our bedtime story without her glasses. That's weird!
My Mother suddenly invested in a certain stock, which went through the roof, and we became very wealthy indeed all because of the Magick she wore on her finger. Eventually my Mother re-married, although she was always in communication with my father. When we were old enough to understand, she explained that he was a man on a Quest. A man of Obsession and a man who faced constant dangers in his life. He was known as a Treasure Hunter, but I've come to learn that this is a very superficial description of my father. True, he had many friends in high places (Royalty, Aristocrats, Witches, Warlocks, Psychics, and families such as the Hiltons and the Rockerfellers), all of whom he helped. But my father believed more strongly than anyone that Magick needed to be shared amongst every level of society, and That is what His Legacy is all about!

An interesting side note that I'm quite proud of: Here in California, my father used a Magickal Talisman acquired from a Powerful Warlock to help a certain up-start director who went on to become Incredibly Famous. The director created some of the most fabulous and Magickal movies of our time, including a series of 3 adventure movies based loosely on my father's life.
Also, in the early years my father lectured at various Universities and Institutions. He was: Professor of Parapsychology, Mythology, Egyptology, Medieval Literature and the Occult Sciences at UCLA. He was a hugely prominent paranormal investigator, and was involved in the 1974 experiments with Carllota Moran and her house in Culver City, CA. These true events were later turned into a movie called the Entity.
The Great Professor Richmond did have a few detractors who believed that because he was an incredibly rich and powerful man that he was in it solely for his own gain. I would like to put the record straight, right now! It wasn't the riches he accumulated that drove his passion, but moreover, the Idea of Magick itself. The Art of it, the Spirituality, the Awe of being proven to, over and over, that Yes, Magick is absolutely Real. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. As real as the earth, the sky, the shoes he put on his feet every morning. Eventually this "Calling" had him scouring the globe collecting and securing the most Powerful Magick known to man. But, his final goal was This moment in time when all the artifacts he had acquired would find their rightful spiritual owners. The Magick is ready to be Shared, to be distributed amongst the True Seekers.

Now, here "I " am, thrown into this unimaginable situation!
When my father passed on early last year, we were visited by his lawyer. We were informed that we'd inherited an estate (and it's entire contents!) along with some 100 acres of land in a secluded region near Baden-Baden, Germany close to the Black Forest. There is an ancient Holy structure on the land that is built on an extremely powerful white-energy vortex. It's been depicted in sacred literature and is obviously why my father chose this area to store and protect these Rare Magickal pieces.

When we walked through the door of our father's estate it was as though we'd walked into some bizarre haunted museum. He was also an archeologist of sorts, and we were immediately greeted by stacks and stacks of boxes filled with fossils, bones, ancient tribal masks, clay pots, you name it. Leading off from the main hallway is a strange maze of rooms filled with treasures and oddities...but the Magickal Pieces were under lock and key behind a huge old oak door at the very end of the house. I swear to you, the overwhelming aura, energy, sheer power and "actual visible light" emanating from behind that wooden door was enough to make us both want to turn and run. The hairs on our arms and necks shot up-right, and quite honestly, haven't come down much since!

A portion of all proceeds from these auctions will go to worthy charities, but the large