Jambala (Dzambhala) is the God of wealth and appropriately a member of the Jewel family. In Hindu Mythology Jambala known as Kuber. Jambala is also believed to be an emanation of Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion , manifesting as the wealth-giving Buddha.
The 5 Dzambhalas are :
Black (for long life to enjoy abundance and life),
White (purification of obstacles to wealth),
Red (wish fulfilling jewel and compassionate energy)
Green (magnetising or attracting wealth), and
Yellow-gold (great enrichment and flourishing of wealth).
All five Dzambhala energies are viewed as protectors of weatlh, abundance and prosperity.
Each color corresponds to the five elements & the five buddha families:
1. metal/green
2. wood/blue
3. water/white
4. fire/red
5. earth/yellow
It is said that wherever the wind touches the Dzambhala Prayer Flags, it will carry the beneficial power of the prayers to any beings it meets. Thus bringing more wealth.
The purpose of worship or practicing Dzambhala is to elimitate the insecurity of financial worries so that one is not distracted by poverty or lack of funds.
Attunement sent via angelic sphere or chi ball (pls let me know which).
Manual and certificate are sent via email.