TAKARA TOMY LEGO Minifigures Series 7 Ocean King Ruler of a vast underwater kingdom, the Ocean King is the master of all the worlds seas. His enchanted trident gives him absolute control of the waves and tides, and woe to any sailor who dares to anger him! Fortunately, hes easily appeased by rare treats from the surface world, and a cookie or pizza slice (no anchovies, please!) left in just the right tide pool will usually ensure a smooth and tranquil ocean voyage. Just make sure its the proper kind of gift. The Ocean King doesnt take kindly to people who drop litter into his deep blue domain, and hes been known to summon raging storms and whirlpools if hes having a bad day, or even just a mild headache. It might sound like an overreaction, but you try wearing a crown made of pointy gold shells all the time and see how calm you feel!