Ancient Greek Snake Goddess Code: 249 Dimensions: 20x10 cm 7.9x3.95 in Weight: 550gr Material: BRONZE Color: GREEN/GOLD OXIDIGATION This is a handmade statue of Snake Goddess made in Greece, from 100% bronze using the traditional lost wax technique. This is the same technique used by the ancient Greeks to create bronze sculptures and arsenal. The prototype which it was made by is a museum exhibit. The Green/Gold color is given through the process of oxidization
Ancient Greek Snake Goddess
Dimensions: 20x10 cm 7.9x3.95 in
Material: BRONZE
Snake Goddess indicates figurines of a woman holding a snake in each hand found during excavation of Minoan archaeological sites in Crete dating from approximately 1600 BCE. It seems that the two elegant idols found in Knossos represented goddesses and by implication, the term 'snake goddess' also describes the chthonic deity depicted. Little more is known about her identity apart from that gained from the figurines. These idols were found only in house sanctuaries, where the snake appears as "the snake of the household", and they are probably related with the Paleolithic tradition regarding women and domesticity. Evans tentatively linked the snake goddess with the Egyptian snake goddess Wadjet.
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Package quantity: 1