

I have been getting an extraordinary amount of requests from people asking me if Madam Elizabeth Crawley would give them a Blessing, or cast a certain spell for them. She does readings on (Professor Richmond) my father's paranormal collection, and often gifts the winners of our auctions with items she has cast with spells and blessings. People have written to me absolutely thrilled with these items!
For those of you unfamiliar with Madam Elizabeth--she is considered among desiccant circles (especially in Europe) as the utmost authority on all things paranormal. She is also a profound and ultra-talented Spell Caster. Madam Elizabeth can cast spells for almost anything, and has helped me out on numerous occasions. We have decided due to the great demand that we will begin auctioning items that she has either performed an ancient blessing upon, or cast with special spells from the Van Doreen Book of Spells.
I have personally been privileged enough to witness her casting a spell--the love, care and concentration she puts into it is completely inspiring. Madam Elizabeth is a Master at Lunar Phasing, Tarot, Herbs and all types of spell formation. The Boxes and roses she has cast with spells for our customers have received the most wonderful and sincere praise.
Madam Elizabeth lives in England, so the pieces she sends me will be mostly jewelry. Some will be new, and some will be older. All will be charged with superior quality Magick Spells to help you along your way. For safety she only uses Pure White Magick which also has a knack for blending with your own body vibrations, and making you feel simply wonderful all over. Madam Crowley does not want to charge a lot for these pieces, as she wishes to share her Magick with the ordinary folk who need it the most.
Good Luck and Many Blessings!
Does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active
LOVELY OLD TIGER'S EYE RING. Sterling Silver. Size 8 MASSIVE CHANGES AWAIT! Mesmerizing shimmering Tiger's Eye. You can know for certain that this POWERFUL PIECE is going to change your life! Absolutely brimming with power and energy, and here's why...
This Vessel is also cast with one of the most precious Coven Spells you will ever find. But before we start, I wish to clear something up once and for all. Over the period of time that I've been listing our treasures, I often get emails about the graphic of the Horned God in our about me section. Some people are still under the impression that this is the Devil, Evil, or Black Magick. No, it is NOT.
"The Horned God is one of the two primary deities found in the neopagan religion of Wicca. He is often given various names and epithets, and represents the male part of the religion's duotheistic theological system, the other part being the female Triple Goddess.The term 'Horned God' itself predates Wicca, and is a 20th century syncretic term for a horned or antlered anthropomorphic god with pseudohistorical origins, who, according to Margaret Murray's 1921 The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, was the deity worshiped by a pan-European witchcraft-based cult, and was demonized into the form of the Devil by the Medieval Church.

This is a direct channeling of the most Powerful, Ancient Horned God Himself! This Vessel has been used in many, many Coven ceremonies. It has been used to officiate spells, to call the God's and Goddesses, and finally was blessed by the Horned God himself who honored its service to Magick by Channeling himself directly through it. This is going to change your life, so please be prepared. The Horned God is capable of commanding the Elements, of Changing the Course of Universal Events, of anything you can imagine! He invites you to join him on a wondrous journey of Knowledge, Wealth and Happiness. Good Luck and Good Fortune wherever you go!
The Horned God is of Nature, and thus he brings you riches and success in a natural and proper way. He is good-hearted and Happy, and so soon will you be. Say goodbye to stressful days and worry, let peace and happiness play upon your mind! You will INSTANTLY find yourself in balance with the Universe, your physical self and your spiritual self. Your Metaphysical Talents such as ESP, Dream Travel, Shape-Shifting, even Fire-Starting and Weather Control, will spring to life and become a potent and powerful part of your everyday life. You will feel ALIVE, FRESH, MAGICKAL and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. Why? Because you have a new best friend, THE HORNED God. And he will NEVER LET YOU DOWN! This Incredible tried and tested Vessel does not need to be worn to activate the Horned God's Blessings to you. When you Channel the Horned God, Money will no longer be an issue. All money is is Energy. And you'll be getting plenty of that! Your life is about to turn into a Fun and Exciting Adventure. Invite this Ultimate Deity into your life NOW! You'll Bless this day!!
Madam Crawley said that this spell is VERY IMPORTANT to own especially as the New Age approaches and you may find yourself in a situation where you need to be VERY CONVINCING to possibly many people. SO do not delay. This is your safety-net. Here you have-- EXTREME POWER AT YOUR FINGER-TIPS!
(May this word ring clear and true, may mine intention stick like glue, upon the ears of those I chose, to do my bidding, shall nay refuse.)
This spell is an absolute WINNER. It is actually cast by Madam Crawley and the entire Coven Of Union, although after reading through the listing I see I haven't mentioned this fact before. The Coven of Union casts Gray Magick. Anyway, this is a highly powerful spell that can be used for a multitude of purposes. Here's an email I received from Paul in Lancaster, CA
"Hi Anna, thank you for the precious ring you sent to me. I feel foolish now that I had doubts about this magic business. Carol is now back in my arms and we're happy as when we 1st met. I consider it a miracle really do!!!!!! I'd been begging her to give me one more chance to no use. I thought for sure I'd blown it with her. I did cheat on her but it was a big mistake and I've been paying for it ever since. I've been trying to win her back for over a year. Her mother wouldnt let me talk to her and her sister said bad things about me all over town. After I got the gray magic ring I suppose it was a week later I called her. Remember usually they hang up on me! This time I got her Mom and instead of hanging up she actually listened to me and it really went in her head. She put Carol on the phone and she listened to me too. I told her I would never do it again and that I deserve another chance. She called me on the Thursday following that so two days later and said she was going to move back in. This ring has done wonders all around! I'm really impressed and very grateful. Keep doing the good deed.Bye for now. Paul."
Madam Crawley has long studied the Book of Doren and this Ancient charm from the book was written by a very powerful Norwegian Wizard.
Madam Elizabeth highly recommends this spell, but wishes me to caution you before bidding. This is A VERY POWERFUL SPELL. The spells attached are Grey, which is nothing to do with Black, it is simply an ancient form of Magick that really, really harnesses the powers of the Universe. They will work fast and furiously, so she cautions you to make sure you are ready for your life to change drastically. You will not be able to have others perform evil deeds, but you will have immense power over others, and therefore you must respect this. Many of the MOST POWERFUL and INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OVER THE COURSE OF HISTORY HAVE USED THIS SPELL TO GET THEM WHERE THEY WANTED TO BE.
Do you wish people would do your bidding?
Would you like your word to be Law in certain individuals minds?
Do you have true reason to desire control over someone?
Perhaps you need someone to give you money for a business venture, or a girlfriend/boyfriend to listen to your requests...
Whatever, or whomever it is... you need them to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO YOU. Think of all the GREAT LEADERS... What is the one thing they have in common? The ability to INFLUENCE. Churchill, Kennedy, Rockefeller... The list goes on. This Magick spell will cause those people whom you chose TO STOP and LISTEN. Your words will no longer float by their ears unheard. They will pay attention, and they will obey.
Good Luck & Many Blessings!
