SquareTrade Seal Member
SquareTrade Seal Member
SquareTrade © AP6.0
The Aura Flush is a very gentle, cleansing energy that sweeps through the aura and clears it of negative energy and thought-form.

Like the other flushes, for the meridians and chakras, the aura flush is easy to use and activated by simple intention. It works just as well in person or over distance.

The aura is the part of our energy field that surrounds us and protects us. It is our projection out to the world. If we want to attract the right people and opportunities, we need to have an aura that is bright and healthy, full of positive energy and love.

Unforutnately as we go through life we collect negative energies in our aura. Actual negative thought-forms of anger, sadness and hatred can reside in our aura, bringing down our overal energy and pusihing people away from us. Cleansing the aura regularly will help rejuvenate our spirit as well as improve our projection to the outer world.

With purchase, 1 distant attunement sent via chi-ball; 1 manual; 1 certificate. Manual and certificate sent via email.