This California Advanced Labeling High-Capacity TubeWriter Labeler is in excellent condition and was removed from a working environment. It came from a local lab that was upgrading equipment. Software required for operation is not included. Please contact us with any questions.
Includes The TubeWriter Standard tube labeling machine automates the movement of a lab marker to print directly on any tube from Excel. The system cuts preparation time for tedious tube labeling work and ensures sample identification integrity at low temperatures. Any Tube, Any Vial, Any Size: The TubeWriter Standard prints on almost anything that will fit under the inserted lab marker including the side or top of any tube, vial, histology cassette, microscope slide, cryovial, and more. Never go back to messy handwriting or sticky lab labels again. No consumables: The TubeWriter Standard uses the same lab markers you are already using in your lab and provide the same benefits and limitations. A single lab marker can print thousands of tubes. Excel Integration: No learning curve required. Using the TubeWriter Standard tube labeling is as easy as opening excel and pressing print. The TubeWriter Standard software (not included) receives text from excel to be printed onto your labware. Select your tube type and confirm the number of tubes/vials to be printed and you are ready to go.
All the benefits of the original with 4x the printing capacity. The High-Capacity TubeWriter is a higher throughput version of the original, printing on 4 racks of tubes at once, instead of one. High capacity model retails new for $8,495.00