Girl on a Swing was created for a challenge that called for use of new techniques, with a tree theme. I adapted a drawing technique I had learned as a child, drawing lines from the root to the tips of twigs, only using lines of sewing instead of a pencil, and the tree limb became the support for a child's swing.

The girl is actually a 3-dimensional doll made with a wire mesh framework, on a swing made from craft sticks with chains attached to the tree branch. The leaves are organza in three shades, held on with beads. The fringe used (and used up!) seven hanks of embroidery thread. Beads create the girl's face, and also her necklace.

This piece hangs from a dowel and a cord which is included.



My artwork is mounted on foam core, which creates a light-weight but rigid piece with a wire for hanging and  a felt backing. It is treated with a sun-block spray, although prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may eventually cause fading.