We Develop Missiles, Not Air! the Legacy of Early Missile, Rocket, Instrumentation, and Aeromedical Research Development at Holloman Air Force Base by Wayne O. Mattson and Martyn D. Tagg
Holloman Air Force Base Cultural Resources Publication No. 2
1995 - Paperback, 189 pages
This report contains an investigation of the history of missile, rocket, instrumentation, and aeromedical research programs conducted at and around Holloman Air Force Base. Research was completed for 11 programs, including six missile and rocket development complexes, a series of instrumentation facilities used to support missile testing, and four programs involved in aeromedical research. Newspapers, magazines, formerly classified military records, and interviews with people involved provided information about the innumerable testing programs carried out in the area. Archaeological investigations were also conducted at the various sites to document and identify those remains still existing today. The results of this research indicates HAFB played a primary role in the early Cold War development of many programs which represented the beginnings of the United States space program.