This is the tenth pin of the Doorways to Disney Pin of the Month Series
and is shared between WDW and DLR. This pin features Master Gracey, clad
in the uniform green tail coat, as the Ghost Host tour guide for
Disney's spooky attraction, the Haunted Mansion. Master Gracey (slider
and pin on pin) stands in front of the iconic purple and black ghoul
print wallpaper and the gargoyle candelabra. One arm is behind his back
and the other is extended to hold closed the door to the manor, which
features ten concentric squares and a bat placard bearing the
attraction's name. When Master Gracey is slid to the right, the hinged
door can open to reveal the graveyard scene and the three hitchhiking
ghosts: Gus, Ezra, and Phineas. For search purposes: foolish mortals,
fill in all the available dead space, October 2017
thanks to pinpics for the listing info
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