Welcome to the Tess Joy Spells And The Mystic Lunar Coventry of the Northeast. Thank you for visiting us. We have been in business on various online marketplaces since 2006, and have garnered over 32,000 positive feedback with an overall score of 99.9% See our client testimonials below! Thanks for stopping by and visiting!



Today I am so excited to be able to offer, at last, and after 8 long years of hard work, dedication, and study, the ancient discipline on which the entire Illuminati was founded ~ I present the Whispers Of The Veil Worldwide Illuminati Powers in advanced ritual form.

The ancient golden texts of the Whispers Of The Veil, shown in the above image, hold all of the esoteric and metaphysical secrets that launched the worldwide Illuminati, and are responsible for ALL of the wealth, power, and influence held by these few men and women.

Have you ever questioned what secrets the stars hold?

Do you wish for unlimited power and wealth?

Just know there is so much power and knowledge in the universe and it can all be yours!

Through this incredible ritual every inch, every fiber of the powers of universal alignment, and the wealth and power used by the Illuminati is given to YOU.

Every drop of ancient knowledge and skills from past lives return to you.

Experience simple, easy astral travel, spiritual advancement and awakening, understand and weild the hidden mysteries of wealth, abundance, and personal satisfaction that the members of the Illuminti experience every single day.

In simple terms, for those reading this, and wondering to themselves: "If I do this, what exactly will happen in my life?" In a single word.... Perfection.

Leave behind any worry because you'll become *extremely* wealthy.

Have every person around you admire you, look up to you, want to be your friend, lover, support. Be the one person they idolize, and worship.

Hold in the palm of your hands the power of the Illuminati, and by such, be able to control the world around you just by using simple thoughts! Control other people's minds, force them to do things simply by visualizing it, control motion, control weather, control your world and everything in it with the power of your mind.

You will be able to allow astral travel whenever you want and visit other dimension and realms to get their powers.

You will finally understand all of the movement of heavenly bodies and be able to altar star alignment for good luck.

Anyone who use this before gains success and powers quickly and all prior have had extreme success!

Do you wish to know the stars secrets?

Do you want unlimited power and to alter fates of those around you?

You can have it.

Upon your purchase you'll be contact directly so that we can begin to discuss your situation, and your desires. Each, and every spell that we cast is 100% customized to meet our client's unique, specific desires. I will ask you to share with me some basic information (your name, and astrology sign). Beyond that, anything that you wish to share, or discuss with me is entirely up to you. I hold your privacy to the utmost level of importance. ANYTHING discussed between you, and I will be kept between you and I. I take your privacy VERY seriously.

I'd like to share a little bit about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what it all means for you - We are a group of highly trained, very passionate metaphysical practitioners. We take our work very, very seriously. When we are not working on spell castings for our wonderful clients we are working individually, and/or together to learn, to become better, to continue to be the best we possibly can be at our work.

Our passion is simple - To provide you with real results through spell casting. The use of energies has been a part of our world for 10's of thousands of years. That discipline has largely gotten lost in today's modern world. We want to show you the dynamic possibilities that come from specific, pointed, advanced energy work.

Things like money, success, love, passion, romance, relationships, spirituality, the way you live each day of your life, the way you feel, how happy you are, and how much you simply enjoy this all too short lifetime of ours can be directly, and powerfully influenced by our work.

Let us prove it to you.

We practice peaceful, balanced white light magick only. NO black magick, NO voodoo. Our magick is the safest, and most balanced of energy work. There will never be any negative side effects, imbalance of karma, and we do NOT draw away from others to provide for you. We work within your own energies, and with energies that exist around us all, to produce your desires.

I'm sure you may find yourself wondering: What is magick, and what do we offer? Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle, or quantum level of reality. The quantum level is the causal realm. It is the subtle influences at the quantum level that decide which way reality will go for you in your future.

If you want to manifest something into ordinary reality, you start by stimulating the quantum realm to favor that potentiality with the help of an experienced, well-traveled practitioner of magickal theory. Peacefully, and expertly manipulating these energies will produce a specific result. That is what we can do for you.

All of us are basically big balls of energy. Now, we are affected all day, every day by constantly changing energies, they shift, they move, they arrive, and they depart. Essentially what I do as a professional is enter your spirit's "chamber" where the energies are kept, otherwise commonly known as your aura. I hold a ritual, which is a seance, chant, prayer, and often ritualistic actions on my end (candles, herbs, so on so forth) while "in" your spirit.

The ritual nudges the energies within you, and all around you in to specific, perfect alignment and strength to produce a real result.


I'd like to share a little bit about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what it all means for you - We are what is called a "Coventry", or "Coven", which is a gathering of professional spell casters, psychic mediums, alchemists, magickal practitioners, and collectors of advanced, and elite paranormal curiosities. Each member of our Coven works with their own individual clients, and we all work together, as a Coven, on larger/joint spell casting work, and the creation of the items you see for sale here.

We practice peaceful, balanced white light magick only. We are what is commonly called "elemental" practitioners of magick. What that means is that we draw energies from naturally occurring sources - Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the cosmos. Never from living things, or other people. NO black magick, NO voodoo. Our magick is the safest, and most balanced of energy work. There will never be any negative side effects, imbalance of karma, and we do NOT draw away from others to provide for you. We work within your own energies, and the aforementioned natural sources of energy, to produce your desires.

I'm sure you may find yourself wondering: What is magick, and what do we offer? Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle - or energy, or quantum - level of reality. The quantum level is the causal realm. It is the subtle influences at the quantum level that decide which way reality will go for you in your future. We harness those invisible energy sources, combine them in to a "recipe", so to speak, and place them within a physical vessel, which then transports those specific, finite energies, in that specific combination, to your spirit, and life, where the real world results will then follow.

Whether you are viewing one of our expertly created items, or one of our relics the essence of purpose, manifestation, and creation through energy use remains the same. These items are creations that hold very specific, precisely created energies that, once they enter your life will sync to your spirit, and will "go to work" so to speak to create the reality discussed in the listing. These are not just passive novelties, this is very serious, legitimate energy work that can and WILL change your world for the better.