Psychophysiological Thought Reading by Banachek - Book
Literally two books in one! On one side of this 180-page hardcover is a
reprint of H.J. Burlingame's 1907 paperback release How to Read People's
Minds which includes some history on muscle reading and how it works
along with a fascinating section on training your dog to read minds!
Then give the book a flip end over end and you have Banachek's
Psychophysiological Thought Reading. This section not only covers more
details on the history of muscle reading, but also teaches updated
effects using muscle reading as it is performed today by performers such
as Kreskin, Derren Brown, and of course, Banachek himself, among
others. These effects are used onstage and close-up in routined and
impromptu performances.
Laminated hardcover, 180 6" x 9" pages with new illustrations by Earle