Magical Problems & Mental Solutions by Michael Murray

Magical Problems and Mental Solutions contains a combination of nine ideas which are adaptable to both close up and stage work.
notes contain a combination of newer ideas (which will be included in
my upcoming book "The Missing Piece" and older ideas which have
previously seen print).
Please check out the contents list below to learn more...
Thirteen Steps to Creativity: An essay detailing tried and tested techniques to unlock your true creative potential.
Selling the Reaction: A solid method for increasing the perceived reaction to countless effects.
Wordsmith Effects: (Three effects requiring nothing more than the use of words).
The Collective Conscious: Connect with your audience and generate a standing ovation to the conclusion of your show.
Directional Intuition:
A method which seemingly allows you to both identify and resolve an
unsolved problem which is exclusively locked within the mind of your
Crowd Control (Originally included in the Ltd. Version of APOMM):
A method which allows you to implant thoughts and control the actions
of a spectator (opens up a whole new approach to some of the more
popular mentalism plots). Note: This has been slightly updated from the
original handling.
One in Ten Thousand: A method in which your spectator is seemingly able to intuit your PIN or Mobile Unlock Code (uses a borrowed iPhone).
Perfect Opener:
A nice follow-up effect to "One in Ten Thousand" where the spectators
correctly intuited number is clearly shown to be the exact unlock code
for your mobile.
The Svengali Forcing Pad: This includes a full examination of both the introduction and subsequent use of this amazing tool.
What is in a Name?:
In this routine, you are seemingly able to reveal both the name and
star sign of a spectator and better still you are able to teach your
spectator how to do it too!
The Ringer: This is a method
for ringing in a preshow volunteer into your show allowing you to
capitalise upon previously forced information via a Sven Pad.