"Grow Your Own Exotic Holy Ghost Orchid!
MAGIC JAR STORE presents 100 high-quality seeds for Peristeria elata, also known as the Holy Ghost Orchid or Dove Orchid, a rare and exquisite orchid species with delicate, white blooms and a unique, dove-like shape.
Key Features:
- 100 seeds per packet
- Peristeria elata variety with delicate, white blooms
- Unique, dove-like shape adds an exotic touch to your orchid collection
- Also known as Flor del Espiritu Santo, a sacred symbol in many cultures
- Requires intermediate to advanced orchid care
Add a touch of the exotic and sacred to your orchid collection with the Holy Ghost Orchid!
#HolyGhostOrchid #DoveOrchid #PeristeriaElata #FlorDelEspirituSanto #ExoticOrchid #RareSpecies #OrchidCollector #MagicJarStore"