Warm remainder: the machine to Brazil and Israel without color box, thanks for underdstanding.
Working instructions:
1) Press the nozzle to the bayonet and rotabe it 90 degrees;
2) Romove the sealing plug;
3) Add pure water or distilled water;4) Pay attention to make sure the water under the Max line;
5) Switch on the left button(steam switch), steam spray out of around 3 minutes;
6) Swaitch on the right buttom(ozone switch), it has a germicidal function.
How to add aromatherapy essential oils:
1) Take out your own small cotton pad.
2) Drip the essential oils onto the cotton pad.
3) Slid open the cover of the groove, inset the cotton pad, then colse it.
Spray type:Hot & herbal aroma ozone oil spray, multifunctions.
Working principle:
Ozon sprayer and baking oil machine same principles as an electric kettle placed in the heating element inside the beaker through current generates heat in the beaker water temperature gradually increased, until after boiling to produce steam from vents steam conduit, is ejected mist vapor, which is common spray.
Machine equipped with ozone lamp, which is a composition containing an ultraviolet light source of microbial nucleic acid protein has damaging effects work, resulting in deterioration or death of cells, has a strong bactericidal anti-inflammatory effect.
Cold spray machine specially designed ultrasonic vibration, the water mist into ultrafine particles 1-5 microns, by pneumatic means, the mist into the air, making the air moist and rich in negative oxygen ions associated, make you like exposure to natural forest habitat.
The cleaning method
1: After each use, please pour out the water in it for the next use.
2: If you need to clean the water tank, please pour 20ml of white vinegar and soak it overnight to remove the water in the water tank to prevent scale.
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