Elevate Your Garden Security with OurMetal Garden Fence!
At 36.6 inches tall, this garden fencingprevents children and pets from accidentally leaving the yard orapproaching hazardous areas. The 2.5 inch spike spacing effectivelykeeps large pets and wildlife out, maintaining the cleanliness andtranquility.
The fence panels with ground anchorconnection enhance strength and stability, resisting externalforces, keeping its integrity. Improved security prevents looseningor tilting. Use it with peace of mind.
The high-quality carbon steel treatedwith powder coating to prevent rust, the corrosion-resistant layerextends the metal garden fence's lifespan.
Sharp fence feet easily penetratesvarious terrains, ensuring stable insertion without professionaltools. The decorative garden fence edges have been polished foryour safety.
Our decorative garden fence serves as asafety enclosure, protective barrier, and guardian for pets,plants, and children. When paired with other fencing, it creates anideal garden environment. Enjoy wonderful outdoor moments!