Vertical Leaf Senecio has fleshy blue-green leaves with purple margins that are flat so they can change direction and never have a flat surface that faces the sun. This rotation helps prevent the loss of moisture in hot environments. This serves them well in the sweltering heat of Madagascar where they are endemic. These flat leaves almost resemble propellers on a prop plane, thus another common name Propeller Plant.
Growing as a perennial in zones 9a through 11b, it is not cold hardy in cooler zones, so must be grown in a container and brought in for the winter. Exposure to excessive cold temperatures will lead to a mushy plant.
They will be drought tolerant once established, however, good drainage is crucial. Overwatering or allowing the plant to sit in wet conditions will cause the plant to become mushy and lose it rigidity. Draining the soil before watering will alleviate this problem as well as allowing the roots to dehydrate before the next watering.
They will be at their best when located in bright but indirect sunlight in a sandy soil. In their perennial zones, growing season is in the winter, while they will remain dormant in the summer months.