Teton Mammoth, 20 Degree And 0 Degree Sleeping Bags, Double Sleeping Bag, A WarmWhen you're looking to level up your camping and hiking gear, choose the TETON Sports Celsius Mammoth 20 Degree Double Sleeping Bag. You'll want to come back to this cold-weather sleeping bag after a long day of hiking and camping, because this warm sleeping bag was built for comfort, durability, and warmth. The Mammoth 20 Degree Double Sleeping Bag is the perfect two-person sleep system when you're looking to enjoy the outdoors together. The double-construction shell and soft sleeping bag liner will keep you warm at night. The full-width baffles, full-length zipper, shoulder draft tubes, and mummy-style hood are designed to keep cold drafts out. Simply bring one winter sleeping bag to eliminate the hassle of packing two bags and zipping them together with the three-side zippers. The convenience of the two-way zippers with metal pulls is their anti-snag properties. At the end of your trip, pack up your camping gear easily with the oxford stuff sack. This double sleeping bag for tent and car campers keeps adventurers happy while exploring the great outdoors. Specs and Sizing Size: 94" x 62" Pack Weight: 14 lb. Temperature Rating: 20˚F Shell: Taffeta Liner: 100% Brushed Poly Flannel Fill: SuperLoft Elite Hollow Fiber Size (packed): 27" x 14" x 14" Storage: Oxford Stuff Sack with Drawstring Closure TETON Sports believes that everyone, everywhere belongs outdoors. Not just the hardcore thru-hikers or the backcountry snowboarders, but the weekend campers, the family roadtrippers, and every would-be adventurer who dreams of sleeping under the stars. That’s why TETON set out to create gear that brings the freedom of the outside world closer for all. Our tents, sleeping bags, cots, backpacks, and accessories are amazingly priced and made TETON Tough to endure every outdoor adventure. This TETON Sports product has a lifetime warranty. Product Features
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