CVF Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions)
by Bennie Chickering

Every once in a while a new gaffed deck comes along that makes everyone sit up and pay attention. The CVF Deck is one of those decks.
A totally self-working, incredible deck that allows you to easily perform a genuinely eye-popping miracle.
begins innocuously enough. A card is freely selected, signed, and lost
in the middle of the deck. You then bring out a coin and get that signed
too. Place the coin on a table, or your hand, or even their hand and
tell them not to blink. You tap the deck onto the coin, and in an
instant, it vanishes. You don't even touch the coin. You then cut the
deck in the centre, and show the coin nestled above one card... the
selection. The coin has performed two miracles. Vanished, and then found
the selection.
You'll not only get the incredibly clever gaffed
deck, but you also get crystal-clear video instructions. People often
put this in the verbiage for a magic trick, but you really will be
performing this in minutes after watching the video. The deck does
everything for you, leaving you free to enjoy helping the spectator pick
their jaw up from the floor.
need a magnetic coin to perform this, which is not included. Most
currencies around the world have a coin that would work for this