Sempervivum Minis Lagger's Chicks & Hens Very Hardy Outdoors Live Plant 2.5" Pot
- Simple to develop
- Solid Zones 4-9
- Incredible for pixie gardens
- Full Sun
- Prompt delivery in 2.5" pot
Sempervivum are delicious, rosette shaping plants having a place with the Crassulaceae family. They are generally known as Hens and Chicks, Houseleeks or Hen and Chickens. The primary fascination of these plants is their brilliant rosettes of leaves. fThe rosettes are most striking in the spring and summer yet even in the colder time of year when development stops, numerous assortments remain alluringly hued. It is the perpetual scope of various leaf shapes, varieties and surfaces that make this gathering so fascinating to fans. The Spider web Hens and Chicks include extraordinary dark green rosettes become twined with fine web-like hairs. Lively red blossoms on tough stems add an extraordinary touch. Gradually spreads to into a thick, dry spell open minded mat. Wonderful in rock garden or got into fissure of stone walls. Extraordinary in compartments. Evergreen. Solid Zones 4-9. Daylight acquires out splendid varieties Sempervivums. At the point when established in full shade or become inside away from a bright window, numerous assortments will generally blur to a plain green tone. Notwithstanding, in more sizzling climate throughout the late spring and in the southern US, evening shade can really assist with establishing colors last longer. The dirt's ripeness, pH, dampness and construction, as well as the temperature and age of the plant (some require as long as three years for full tone) likewise impact tinge.