PIMENTO SWEET PEPPER. A mild pepper that's extra sweet with great flavor. Great for stuffing, roasting and grilling. Also used raw to add great color to salads or a veggie tray. A thick sturdy stem and compact plant holds up in strong winds. Suitable for containers or the vegetable garden. Lots of big leaves shade the peppers from sunburn. The peppers grow to about 4"x 3" and will turn from green to red when mature. Organic. Non-Gmo .Open pollinated U.S. grown seed. Mother nature's original recipe. Easy to grow. Pretty much carefree after established. Steady water and a little organic fertilizer. The Bees do all the hard work! 50+ Quality seeds. Thank You!
Capsicum annuum.
Spring, soil temp 80F+.
Full sun.
SOW 1/4"deep, 6" apart. Keep Moist.
Germ 10-14 days.
Thin to 18".
Height 24" x 18" Wide.
Days to maturity - 75.
Medium water. Light organic fertilizer if needed.