UTAH SWEETVETCH-Aka Northern Sweetvetch. This long-lived perennial wildflower, native to the Intermountain West, can be found throughout the western United States. First described by botanist Thomas Nuttall back in 1818. This legume wildflower has a deep tap root system making it heat /drought / flood / fire tolerant. It rarely gets over 3 ft tall and has a low, spreading growth habit. Utah Sweetvetch produces bright pink pea-like flowers which bloom from spring to autumn. It prefers full sun but can handle partial shade. Rocky, well-drained soils are also the preferred conditions for this wildflower. Use in rock gardens, wildflower mixes, and groundcover50+ seeds per order.

Hedysarum boreale.
Full sun / Part sun.
Soil Temp 70F+.
Pour Hot Water on Seeds and Let Soak 24Hrs.
SOW- 2/3 seeds per, 1/4" deep, 18" apart. Keep moist.
Germination 30+ Days.
Light water.
Height 24" - 36" x 18" wide.
Flowers are pink. Blooms summer through fall. 
This is slow growing, long lived perennial. The first 2 yrs. are spent developing an extensive tap root system. These may not bloom until years 2 or 3.