There are two varieties of Arnica widely grown: Mountain Arnica and Meadow Arnica. Meadow Arnica grows better at lower elevations. Mountain Arnica grows best in higher elevations. Both are suitable for herbal application.
Arnica is an ancient plant that is now a common ingredient in many natural pain relieving ointments and creams. A traditionally used medicinal herb for treating topical pain; an understated beauty that's worthy of every Apothecary garden. For centuries, apothecary gardens were one of the most common plots to be found around the home. The perfect herb for making topical ointments for gardeners' achy hands and sore backs, Meadow Arnica is an acceptable medicinally interchangeable substitute for Mountain Arnica, which only grows well at high altitudes. Absolutely thrives in locations with more mild, cooler summers.
Plant this wide-spreading perennial to enjoy the dense green foliage, yellow flowers, and the soothing effect it has on achy muscles. Please note that Meadow Arnica is naturally an erratic germinator; germination occurs over a long period.
Plant facts:
Hardiness: Hardy
Longevity: Perennial
Growing Condition: Full Sun
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Good For: Wildlife Friendly; Long Blooming; Apothecary Gardens; Traditional Medicinal Herb
Flower Color: Bright White
Foliage Color: Green
Outdoors: Direct sow in Spring after all danger of frost has passed.
Indoors: Plant in trays or pots in slightly moist peat-based soil or seed starting mix; Keep warm; germination will occur in 2-4 weeks. Do not cover too deeply; simply press tightly into the soil and gently water in. Provide bright light and cooler temperatures after germination occurs.
Seed: 50+ seeds per pack (approx); I always throw in a few extra for good measure.