Semi-evergreen perennials producing rosettes of pale green leaves. The flowering stems reach on average 2ft tall with whorls of flowers creating a candelabra effect. Colors include pink, peach, orange, yellow and purple. Prefers moist or boggy areas so ideal for the edge of a stream or pond.
Candelabra Primulas are among some of the most beautiful classic garden plants. There are many species and even more hybrids and varieties. All are clump forming and spread by self sown seedlings. The flowers are carried in numerous whorls up strong stems and have a very exotic appearance, but they are all extremely hardy standing many degrees of frost. They have a long flowering season across the range of types extending from late April to the end of July. Flowering heights range from 1-3 feet. Many are tolerant of very heavy wet soils. They associate well with other familiar plants such as Astilbe and Hosta.
Harlow Carr Hybrids are selections which have been in cultivation for a very long time. The colors are pastel and beautiful; plants supplied may vary compared with those illustrated here but we are certain you will not be disappointed. These hybrids flower in May into June.
Germination Instructions:
Primula seeds may be sown in good light conditions at any time onto a loam-based compost, barely cover so that around 50% are still visible. Do not use artificial heat or sow in warm temperatures; primulas are COOL germinators! As a rule best temperatures are usually between 50 and 59 degrees F. PLEASE NOTE: Temperatures exceeding 60F can prevent germination, and above 68-70F expect very little germination, as seeds can go dormant as a protective measure. Germination can take up to 6 weeks, but sometimes can take longer.