FLIGHT is a full coin routine that combines Matrix and 3 Fly in to a
full routine that is ideal for all performing situations. You can
perform the entire routine as taught by creator Michael Afshin or
perform parts of it depending on where you are performing.
gimmick coins will turn you in to a coin expert and allow you to do some
incredible visual magic. YOU can create miracles from productions,
transpositions and vanishes. FLIGHT does it all with beautifully crafted
coins that purchased alone would cost twice this amount.
ROUTINES taught:
the complete coin act - coins appear, travel, and vanish. This is
Afshin signature coins routine. Matrix - three coins clearly travel from
one card to another then vanish.
Stand-Up 3 Fly - Live
performances and tutorial of Afshin performing this miracle using the
gimmick coin. Imagine using ONE coin to do the most incredible 3 Fly -
also included is Afshin's 'shocking' stand-up 3 Fly where he apparently
eats coins and makes them appear from his nose.
Ring to Coin and Coin to Ring - a
finger ring visually turns in to a coin which turns in to three coins.
Each coin vanishes until the last coin turns back in to a finger ring.
Afshin Turn-Over -
an incredible vanish of a coin and playing card. This move has fooled
even the most knowledgeable magicians. Long kept a secret by Afshin and
released on here for the first time.
Coins to Pocket - Three coins placed inside your pocket reappear at your fingertips.
diabolical routine by Afshin is supplied with a custom made coin which
will enable you to easily perform many different routines. The only
sleight needed, and taught, is a retention vanish.
One coin routine to RULE THEM ALL.