Mega lot of vintage Hot Wheels track accessories lot from the redline era. This lot includes a variety of pieces such as a super charger, starting line clamps, parachute, rod runner, finish line flags, juicers, loops, connectors, ramp, hotwheels, double curves, lap counters, drag chute, bridge, and curves. These pieces are compatible with classic cars and are perfect for redline era hot wheels accessories.. The lot is made of plastic and features the iconic redline era design.

You get everything shown in the photos as follows

72 track sections , 19 of them have the initials "RR on the back of them

5 clamps

2 starting gates one dirty

4 finish lines

4 curved bridges with 4 connectors

2 1/4 curves (initials in back)

2 broken loops

5 good loops

2 2x curve joiners

23 connectors

4 ramp base

8 ramps 1 broke

2 track riser bridges

2 lane change

1 parachute catch

1 side catch

Rod runner parts

1 short track piece

3 black sizzler lanes

1 high winder with stands

1 super charger

1 lamp counter

3 sizzzlers

1 sizzles lap counter

This is an incredibly large box

If you can't afford the shipping please don't bid