Beefsteak Tomato Seeds | NON-GMO | 100 Seeds| Indeterminate | 
To plant tomato seeds, you need to: 


Start tomato seeds indoors six to eight weeks before your region's last frost date. 


Thoroughly moisten the seed-starting mix, and then fill the containers to within 1/2" of the top. 


Place two or three seeds into each small container or each cell of a seed starter. 


Water to ensure good seed-to-mix contact. 


Place the pots in a warm spot or on top of a heat mat. 


Keep the mix moist but not soaking wet. 


Check pots daily. 


Choose a planting site with loamy, well-drained soil and at least eight hours of full sun per day. 


Wait until night temperatures remain above 50 degrees to plant tomato plants outdoors.