Thinking Inside the Box by Kyle Purnell

For years, man has been desperately trying to break the mold, and think
outside of the proverbial box. With each attempt, man would take more
and more steps away from the comfort of the box. And with each step,
ideas would surely become more creative and unique, but at the cost of
complexity and impracticality. The truth is... new and unique ideas
still reside in the box... and these are laced with simplicity,
workability, and practicality. You just need to know where to look.
Purnell and Mystique Factory proudly present "Thinking Inside the Box".
In this collection of routines, you'll find contemporary twists of
classic premises as well as refreshingly new ideas that will make you
smile. Every routine is audience tested, has practical angles, and has
achieved worker status. Whether you are looking for a professional piece
to add to a formal set, or something casual you can perform as an
icebreaker or for your friends, you will find something here among these
6 killer routines including:
Mysterious: An in the hands version
of Mystery Card done with an odd backed card. It appears incredibly
fair to the audience, and resets almost instantly for your next group.
Perfect for table hopping!
Chromatic Transmogrification: A modern
color changing deck presentation with a squeaky clean handling, and an
unforgettable kicker at the end!
Daley Opener: Taking Dr. Daley's
last trick to the limit! Take the original effect, add a sprinkle of
crazy visuals, and finish with an unexpected ending that they'll be sure
to remember!
Reusable: An insanely visual restoration of a signed post-it note. You will love the method on this!
Your spectators don't stand a chance when you very SLOWLY melt their
ring onto a rubber band. Finish by magically and visually knotting the
ring onto the band, and hand it back as an impossible souvenir!
Vanish: Any selected card slowly melts away as your fingers gently wave
over it. No gimmicks or destroyed cards makes this a practical worker
that can be utilized in numerous routines.