Brand NEW book:  God-Print Making Your Mark for Christ

A Christian leaves a Godprint whenever he or she, by the power of the Holy Spirit, positively influences the world for the cause of Christ. Every Christian has the opportunity to leave a lasting, God-centered, positive impression upon the Earth. The Bible is chock full of people who did just this: Moses, David, Mary, Paul, and, of course, the Lord Jesus himself. When we want to zero in on a character that doesn't seem so different from us, however-and yet left behind an enormous Godprint, a lasting legacy that continues to bless the world today-we have to mention the name of Abraham. The life of Abraham overflowed with adventure, crisis, fear, faith, and most importantly, God. The Apostle Paul called Abraham the "father of all who believe" (Romans 4:11). Yet these Godprints, as tremendous as they might be, pale in comparison to what I consider Abraham's greatest legacy: God used Abraham; Abraham didn't use God. God's fingerprints left a deep impression upon Abraham's life, and in turn, Abraham left a lasting impression upon his world. Join Pastor Skip as he takes us on a journey through the life of Abraham, asking the question, "How are we to make our mark for Christ in the world in which we live?" Book jacket.