Makes your photo awesome with advanced photo tools. BlazePhoto makes your photo awesome with advanced photo tools. Edit pictures, apply beautiful photo effects, and add creative overlays, fonts and texts! Time to show your creativity!
Polish Up Your Photos and Use Them to Create Fun and Personalized Photo Slideshow, Album, etc.
BlazePhoto is a decent photo editor, which enables you to manage, edit, share, and view your pictures from your PC hard driver or other portable devices. This photo editor enables you to touch up pictures if needed: rotate, flip, resize, crop, remove red eye, adjust brightness/contrast/hue/saturation in color, set blur/sharp, enhance effects, and add text/clips/frame/filter. Besides the video editing features, the powerful search function in this photo editor tool can help locate pictures wherever they are, such as your local folder on hard drive, scanner or other video devices, camera and so on. Moreover, with BlazePhoto, you can store and share your pictures in various ways: make photos into html albums/CD/slideshow DVD/video slideshow, export to other storage media, send to friends or family by, or print out for later