Circulation during the Lifetime of Christ ~ minted in Jerusalem, Judaea
Historically Significant Coin of Herod I "the Great"
HEROD the Great
King, 40 - 4 BC
Authentic Historical Coin of Signifiicant Importance in Biblical History.
In circulation during the life of Jesus Christ
Minted in Judaea at Jerusalem mint. Biblical scholars calculate a date of birth of Christ between 6 and 4 BC.
Bronze Prutah Coin, Jerusalem mint, 1.77g 14.5mm at widest. This is a small coin~compare a U.S. dime which is 17.9mm.
Obverse: HΡΩΔ BAΣIΛ (Of King Herod in Greek), anchor. Reverse: double cornucopia with caduceus between horns, pellets above.
Ref. Meshorer TJC 59a, Hendin 500, AJC II, 237, 17. Very Fine.
Christ was born during Herod the Great's Reign
The death of Herod is important in its relation to the birth of Christ. The eclipse mentioned by Josephus (Ant., XVII, vi, 4), who also gives the length of Herod's reign--37 years from the time he was appointed by the Romans, 40 B.C.; or 34 from the death of Antigonus, 37 BC. (Ant., XVII, viii, 1)-- fixes the death of Herod in the spring of 4 B.C. Christ was born before Herod's death (Matthew 2:1), but how long before is uncertain: the possible dates lie between 8 and 4 BC.
Slaughter of the Innocents
In Matthew's Gospel's story of the Nativity of Jesus, the Magi visit Herod to ask where to find the anointed one. Herod tells them Jesus is in Bethlehem & then later orders the Massacre of the Innocents (male children of Bethlehem).
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