Adjustable 140 Pin Derma Stamp Skin Care Anti-aging Therapy Scars Acne
Derma Stamp Adjustable 140Pin Micro Needle Roller will naturally stimulate the skin to produce an important substance called collagen which is important to the healthy and youthful appearance of skin.

Adjustable 140Pin Micro Needle Derma Stamp . Efficient system for anti-ageing skin regeneration skin tighten and collagen stimulation therapy.

Efficient System For Anti-aging Skin,Regeneration Skin Tighten And Collagen Stimulation Therapy


Helps Reduce Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, Cellulite, Wrinkles and Fine Lines. The micro roller process helps breaks down scar tissue and soften deep lines, gradually making your skin appear smoother. The effects can be further enhanced by using together with Collagen Cream or Vitamin C Serum.

Stimulates Hair Regrowth. Dermaroller treatments gently prick the layers of skin on the scalp or around the hair line. This improves the absorption of over the counter topical lotions or sprays, and encourages hair follicle regrowth.