Antique maps, authentic

I don´t sell facsimiles or copies

French Polynesia, Society Islands

Benard/Cook, 1774, Carte des Isles de la Societe....J. Cook

Cartographer / Cartografo


Title / Título

Carte des Isles de la Societe.... par le Lieut. J. Cook, 1769

Year / Año


Size / Tamaño

Image 29x43cm, page 33,5x46cm

Description / Descripcion

Copper engraving with a detailed map of the Society Islands, which in themselves form part of French Polynesia (that also includes Tahiti).

The archipelago is believed to have been named ´Society Islands´ by Captain James Cook during his first voyage in 1769, supposedly in honour of the Royal Society, the sponsor of the first British scientific survey of the islands; however, Cook, himself, stated in his journal that he called the islands Society "as they lay contiguous to one another."

The islands are divided, both geographically and administratively, into two groups: Windward Islands (Îles du Vent), that includes Tahiti. And Leeward Islands (Îles Sous-le-Vent), that are shown on this map.

This map was engraved by Robert Benard for the 1774 French edition of Hawkesworth's 1773 account of Cook's voyages.

It follows the 1772-1773 English edition engraved by William Whitchurch and published in 1773.

Condition / Estado

Reasonably good condition. Thick and strong paper. Wide margins. Clear print. Folds as issued. Horizontal fold repaired on the back, with minimal impact on the image.

Remarks / Comentarios

Please read the part about the condition of the map and study the pictures carefully before buying. I sell original maps, often several centuries old, and they therefore will have signs of age and use.

Por favor, estudie atentamente las fotos y el texto para conocer el estado del mapa antes de adquirirlo. Se trata de un mapa original que tiene unos siglos de antigüedad, razon por la que presenta ciertas marcas de uso.

Payment and shipment / Pago y envío

Payment / Pago

With bank transfer to bank account or with PayPal (the seller prefers a bank transfer).


Pago por transferencia bancaria o con PayPal (el vendedor prefiere transferencia).

Shipment / Envío

In case you choose to have the item shipped without certified/insured mail, the seller will not be responsible for safe arrival of the shipment. If needed, a proof of shipment can be provided.

En caso de que usted no elija correo certificado, el vendedor no se hara responsable si su paquete no llega bien. Si lo desea, recibira un comprobante de envío.

Return policy / devolucion

In case you do not like the map, you can return it to the seller within 10 days after receiving it. You are responsible for the costs for return shipment/insurance. You will receive a full refund of the purchase amount (excl. shipping costs) after the seller has the map.

En caso de que al final no le guste el mapa, puede devolverlo en un plazo de 10 días tras recibirlo. Los gastos de envío (certificado) corren de su cargo. Cuando el vendedor reciba el mapa, le sera devuelto el importe completo de la compra (excluidos los gastos de envío).



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