Created by the Magician Granell one of the most avant-garde and
creative magicians from around Mexico and Latin America participating in
national and international events including FLASOMA And FISM
combustion is an innovative card game where you can find a card
previously selected at random. To find it you increase the temperature
of your hands to such point you can burn through the deck leaving the
silhouette of your fingers literally perforated on the cards as a
witness to your power.
- Spontaneous combustion creates the illusion of burning through the deck with your fingers to find the previously selected card.
- The deck is ready to use. You can repeat the effect several times without preparing the deck each time.
- The chosen card is be randomly selected and can be signed .
- In
this game you do not have to worry about technique, just run it and you
can enjoy the surprise and admiration of your viewers.
- The script is designed to engage the viewer throughout the whole performance and offer an even more amazing finale.
- Creator
of "Animated Magic Book"; with thousands of copies sold worldwide;
"Deck Classifier" presented at the FISM : Portugal 2000; "Card in your
palm"; "Cutting 10"; "Water and oil with six packs".
Includes a DVD, booklet and a special card deck ready to use.