This is an APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE SPELL for you. This particular spell magnified the energies that elevated your
chances of being accepted, approved or allowed to join. Or for your requests or application to be approved.
My mentor adds that this spell is helpful when you are nervous or stressed regarding being chosen over your competition.
Approved when applying for a position or for a requested action. Accepted into a group that you wish to join and even allowed
to join when you may have previously had been blocked or disallowed.
She says that these energies will elevate your energy frequencies and align you with higher success, approval, victory and
even good fortune energies to increase your chances of being chosen, approved or accepted!!!
She also mentions that this is a very powerful work to assist in aligning one with energies that will open locked doors and
grant one higher positions, claiming the spots in limited openings and gaining access to difficult to access circles of power,
success and wealth.
She says this has been a very long held form of Magick!! She says that within 1 -3 weeks time this results in approval, being chosen and being accepted.