HEALTHY PALM SUGAR & TAL MISHRI FOR BABY - Manufacturers of Palm sugar or Lump sugar or panam kalkandu 1kg often claim that it is good for body. Panakalkandu Original for baby is healthy
HELPS WITH COUGH and COLD - Panakarkandu or Panangarkandu is good for swollen throat/ common cough-cold. It has the power to liquefy phlegm and is widely used in curing sore throats
IMPROVES HEALTH - It takes very little time for Palm Jaggery to be broken down and absorbed by the body. Panam Kalkandam (Rock candy) contains minerals which are building blocks of proteins.
HOW TO USE - Tala mishri (Panakarkandu) can be used as a sweetener in Tea, Coffee, Hot and cold chocolate. Talmichri can also be added to milkshake, cereals, Yogurt, Baking