I will be watching the forecast as I prepare to ship these.  If the weather looks favorable I ship within a day or two, otherwise I will wait until it warms up a bit!

Here I have several bulbs available of my Amorphophallus Konjac Voodoo Lilies.
These bulbs grew in my gardens last summer.  They are dormant at this time and ready to plant when spring comes to your area.

Photo of flower was taken when one of my bulbs bloomed several years ago.

Please choose the bulb/s you prefer.
Shown are the exact bulbs you will receive.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or any issues with placing your order!  I am here to assist you!  

I generally check emails at least 2 times a day (except not on Sunday), so I generally will get back with you promptly!
Please check out my other listings as well!