F.A.S.T. (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Daniel Johnson

F.A.S.T by Daniel Dorian Johnson has been widely regarded as
being the 'Trick of the Convention' at the 2022 Blackpool Magic
Convention. It should therefore be no surprise that this product sold
out completely early on Sunday morning on the strength of Berg-Fast
No advertising! No flashy sales techniques! No big-name
endorsements! Just the strength of the material and word of mouth. The
F.A.S.T project contains a total of FIVE incredible effects each of
which takes advantage of a tried and tested system to produce a series
of powerful effects that are so simple to perform that it is almost
(We will be expanding the material regularly as we develop more material with the core system)
The first effect is a stunningly clean version of the 'Berlas' effect.
Both a card and a number are selected by the participant in their own
mind. Even though they deal and handle the deck themselves, their
thought-of card is ALWAYS at the number that they are thinking of. It
doesn't get much cleaner than this.
second effect is a superb 'Open Prediction' style effect where the
participant is freely invited to generate a playing card of their choice
and yet the exact position of that card proves to have been predicted
in advance. This is a super fair effect that can be performed almost
entirely hands-off. (Michael Murray's favorite effect on the project)
The third effect is a super clean memory demonstration during which the
mentalist can able rapidly memorize a full deck of cards in under a
minute, this allows him to immediately identify not only which card a
participant freely chose to remove from the deck, but going further than
that, the mentalist is also able to reveal the exact positions of the
three mates to that card too. Using the core system Daniel has been able
to take all the work out of "FALSE MEMORY" The stand out effect from
his first project "Mind Over Matter" makes it practically self-working.
The fourth and fifth effects combine to form a powerhouse of a gambling
demonstration. In this routine, the mentalist demonstrates the
legendary 'Phantom' deal which leaves no doubt in the audience's mind
that the mentalist has superior card handling skills, without actually
requiring any difficult card handling skills.
All of these
effects can be set up in minutes and we show you how to set up any deck
of cards, from the most luxurious collectors deck to the cheapest
Christmas cracker pack!